Forgive To Live: Free Yourself Of Emotional Baggage

Forgiveness is difficult for many people because, too often, we think to forgive is also to condone, to say, “Oh, that’s ok.” We put up barriers to forgiving others because of this notion. Many times, in fact, most times what needs to be forgiven is NOT ok. It was not ok to have happened, it is not ok to do again — it’s just simply NOT ok. So, unless the offender asks for forgiveness with sincerity and remorse (and sometimes even when they do,) we often find it difficult to …

Jealousy And Effective Solutions For It

Jealousy is a major depressing feeling. It has several definitions but regardless of disparity in its definitions, a common theme may be noted – that jealousy is a significant idea. Jealousy is often misconstrued as similar to envy but distinctions were made identifying jealousy to be a desire to keep what someone has while envy is that desire to obtain what someone does not have.

Jealousy may be constructive or destructive. Some psychologists believe that jealousy is nece…

Forgive or Else You Are Shackled Like a Prisoner to Your Past!

By your choice of not forgiving, you have chosen to shackle yourself like prisoners to your past! This holds you back from experiencing your true Divine Potential. You carry the great weight of shame upon your shoulders, the burdens upon your back, the grudges and revenge reek havoc in your mind and the ball chained to your leg impedes your forward growth. You hold the power and one of the keys that can potentially heal you, ultimately setting you free!

Forgiveness: A Path to Healing

This article discusses the role of forgiveness in the journey toward healing. Shame, guilt, and forgiveness of self and others are discussed with practical steps towards achieving self-forgiveness.

The Poison of Resentment

Actress Susan Saint James, in a TV interview after the terrible plane crash that claimed the life of her 14 year old son Teddy, and injured her husband, NBC Sports Chairman Dick Ebersol, and her son Charles, made the following brilliant statement: “Resentment is like taking poison and then expecting the other person to die.” Even in the face of her great loss, she is not angry, blaming, or resentful.