Fulfilling Your New Year’s Resolutions

What’s your New Years Resolution?

– Loose Weight?
– Get in shape?
– Quit Smoking?
– Spend more time with the family?
– Get your finances in order?
– Get a better job?

Whatever it is, you can make it happen. All you need is a plan. You need to identify your goals, create your plan and execute it.

Identify Your Goals

What are your goals? You should have a specific goal. If your goal is to lose weight, do you have a specific number in mind? Do you want to loose …

Making Resolutions Stick

Every year I watch at the gym as it floods in January, then slows to a trickle by March. Why is it that we seem unable to make behavior change goals that last? Well, there are several reasons.

Failing to consider why you currently do (or do not) engage in certain behaviors.

As humans, we naturally do things that are rewarding and avoid doing things that are not. One of the biggest problems people have when they try to change their behavior is that they fail to look at a…

Notes From A Hypnotist: How To Repair A Broken New Year’s Resolution (Part 1)

How long did it take to break your New Year’s resolution this year? You haven’t yet? You are one of the rare few.

Why so rare? Because many resolutions are made as a cultural custom—it’s what we “do” every year at this time. And for the majority, the custom of breaking a resolution is as strong a part of the tradition as making it.

In their hearts, most people expect it to happen. As a hypnotherapist, the post-New Year’s crowds are already breaking down my doors. But mu…

Notes From A Hypnotist, Part 2: Creating A New Year That’s Way Better Than Last Year

This is part 2 of a two-part series, and to save time and effort, we’ll take a moment to review the highlights of part 1. If you’re like me, and you feel compelled to read both parts, check the archives for “Notes From A Hypnotist: How To Repair A Broken New Year’s Resolution” by Wendy Lapidus-Saltz.

Here are the highlights of part 1: There are essentially five reasons that most New Year’s resolutions come undone quickly. All have to do with how and why you made your resol…

On Resolutions

The New Year is almost here and, for some of us, our thoughts turn to making changes in our lives and the inevitable New Year’s resolution. While it is understandable that we establish resolutions, I don’t recommend them for 2 main reasons:

1. Waiting for an event like the New Year means that we lose time and opportunity, and is a form of procrastination. If change is required, we must incorporate the necessary changes immediately.

2. The vast majority of those who esta…

Train Your Brain This New Years

It’s that time again when people start thinking about their New Years Resolutions. Usually they involve, losing weight, quitting smoking, and joining a gym, just to mention a few.

What about you? What News Year Resolution have you planned for this year?

Have you considered the benefits of improving your mind? Usually, this is the last thing people consider, but in reality it’s one of the best things you can do for yourself and those around you.

New Year’s Resolutions? Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself

Have you set resolutions for yourself to accomplish in 2006? Maybe you want to get more exercise, eat healthier, or spend more time with your family. If you’re in business for yourself, maybe you are thinking about hiring a bookkeeper, working fewer hours, or beefing up your marketing plan. All of those things are very good goals, but how do you really feel about them?

Follow Your Dreams

It is that time of year once more when many people are working on the goals they have set for themselves for the new year. It’s the same thing every year. The goals that people set for themselves are usually along the lines of, “I want to lose weight”, “ I want to quit smoking”, “I want to exercise more” etc. Newsletters and Magazines are full of articles on how to accomplish these things.

Although the normal resolutions are good and healthy for you, they make you focus on negative aspects