How To Accelerate Your Personal Growth By Choosing What You Control
Do you know the difference between what you can control and what you can’t? Because if you don’t the stuff you can’t control will end up controlling you!
In Stephen R Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” he explains the difference between your “Circle of Influence” – the things that you CAN control and your “Circle of Concern” the things that affect you but you CAN’T control.
In truth, as I’ve talked about in one of my previous articles “Are You In Co…
What Is The Prerequisite For Creating A Life Of Success?!
How many times have you blamed circumstances and make excuses for not being successful?
You can create tons of excuses for not being successful but nothing will change.
Blaming makes you feel like a victim with no power or control over your life or destiny.
Blaming and making excuses will destroy your energy and vitality and leave you with a feeling of frustration and desperation.
Your life will not change until you take 100% responsibility of your life.
You mu…
We Are What Our Habits Make Us
We are what our habits make us. They are either moving us forward or holding us back. Good habits, once developed, are what drive a person toward success and accomplishment.
Rose Desrochers Thoughts On Taking Responsibility For Our Actions
When do we start taking responsibility for our own actions? It appears that we no longer own our actions. Owning our actions, involves taking personal responsibility for what we do. Why is it that when something goes wrong, we need some place to lay the blame? Part of being a mature, responsible adult is to know that when we make a decision in life we are responsible for the outcome, not someone else.
Take Back Your Personal Power, Stop Being Blamed and Start Creating An Incredible Life!
Have you ever had a person in your life who literally thrived on playing the blame game? You know the ones that are constantly belly aching that it’s your fault? Well it’s time to take back your personal power, re-claim your thoughts, re-program your mind and change your life!
The ride of your life: who’s driving?
Your life will not change until and unless you assume responsibility for it. Responsibility, or your ability to respond, is not a way of accepting blame as most people think, but rather a way of assuming your ability to respond to any situation and find an empowering meaning in whatever happens to you.
A Sense of Responsibility
Our lives are only as good as we decide to make them
To Know is To Not Know
Setting aside judgement sets aside what you believe you already know. Doing this creates room for new possibilities, wisdom, experience, and benefits to occur. Take a closer look.
Forgive or Else You Are Shackled Like a Prisoner to Your Past!
By your choice of not forgiving, you have chosen to shackle yourself like prisoners to your past! This holds you back from experiencing your true Divine Potential. You carry the great weight of shame upon your shoulders, the burdens upon your back, the grudges and revenge reek havoc in your mind and the ball chained to your leg impedes your forward growth. You hold the power and one of the keys that can potentially heal you, ultimately setting you free!
Power Inside Everyone
Only those who know the value of responsibility, the people with common sense and able to make a choice will attain their goals. They will not give up facing the first difficulties, because they are determined and resolute. They will not despair, because they are persistent. They will not break down as they are able to control and evaluate themselves adequately.