Practice Self Talk And Positive Affirmation Statements In Your Life

Positive self-talk means purposely giving yourself positive reinforcement, motivation, and recognition- just as you would do for a friend. Congratulate yourself when you do well, and remind yourself of your abilities, accomplishments, strengths and skills. Keep a to-do list, check off accomplishments, and review your progress periodically.

Make self-talk work for you. When you habitually say to yourself has a very profound impact on your self-image, your self-esteem, and y…

Hiring the Best – Interviewing Strategies that WORK!

Hiring continues to be key to a company’s success. Hiring the right staff – with the skills AND characteristics required for success – requires behavioral event interviewing. This article provides insights into effective interviewing and hiring.

“New Job Blues … Now What?”

You’ve landed what you thought was the job of your dreams. You’ve now been on board a few days. Suddenly you’re not so sure you’ve made the right decision. In a state of confusion, you wonder what you should do.

8 Resume Editing Tips

It’s amazing what a well-written and nicely presented resume can do for your job search. Before you send yours out, follow this checklist to ensure you are sending out an excellent quality representation of yourself.

A Closer Look At Two Interview Questions

A job interview is stressful. The person who hasn’t made a lot of changes isn’t practiced at what is involved (nor should they want to be), and the person who has made a lot of changes doesn’t have any idea as to what’s involved either, or they wouldn’t be making so many changes!

Preparing for the interview de-stresses the situation considerably. Yet, 78% of all candidates – regardless of the level for which they are interviewing – wing it! And frequently cause themselves …