8 Resume Editing Tips

It’s amazing what a well-written and nicely presented resume can do for your job search. Before you send yours out, follow this checklist to ensure you are sending out an excellent quality representation of yourself.

How To Remove The “White Lies” In Your Resume Before They Are Spot!

Let’s just face it: the job market can be a very tough place to compete in. In order to survive in today’s job market, people often resort to artificially “inflating” their resumes with little “white lies”. Chances are, you’re also thinking of doing the same.

Well, as tempting as it may be, you do NOT want to risk lying on your resume.

Whether it’s personal information, job experience, or schooling – employers are finding new ways to sniff out liars and you don’t want …

How To Write A Resume

It’s likely you landed here to learn how to write a better resume. Here is a guide to help you.

What Is a Resume?

A resume is a self-promotional document that presents you in the best possible light, for the purpose of being invited to a job interview…