Risk Assessment In The Workplace. Part 3

Step 4. Record your findings.

If you have less than 5 employees then you do not need to write anything down. Although you will find it useful to keep a written record of what you have done.

If you have five or more employees, then you must put in writing the significant findings of your risk assessment. This means writing down the significant hazards and your conclusions.

Examples might be something like:

Electrical installations: insulation and earthing checked a…

Risk Management – An Inescapable Part Of Doing Business

Risk is an acknowledged and inescapable part of business – which means that risk management should be an integral part of a successful enterprise. By employing professionals or training members of your team, you reduce the possibility of misfortune, financial or personal.

It works by highlighting the possibility of failures in your business enterprise, and giving you the information to weigh up what level of risk is acceptable.

A failure can mean something that endanger…