Recovering From A Romance Or Dating Scam (part 1)

As bad and sad as the experience of a dating or romance scam is, there is a need to heal from it.
It is an experience that many victims who have been through it have described as being worse than a nightmare.

Although they never bargained for the romance scam when they began to look for a date online, yet when the romance scam happened, they didn’t imagine that the experience would be so horrible as it later turned out to be.

Some victims told me that they couldn’t sle…

Recovering From A Romance Or Dating Scam (Part 2)

If you have experienced a romance scam before,you know that the experience is a bad one to have.

It is ne of the lowet points of anyone’s life, and could actually cause depression and bad moods.
Not a few victims of the romance scams have cried till for long hours.

This article continues to show you how you can heal after going through a romance scam.

4. Avoid critics and people who make you feel bad: It is very crucial that after this experience, you do not mix wit…

Where Romance Scams Occur On The Internet

Romance scams occur in a number of places and websites on the internet,with various methods being used. The scammers target some particular sites where they know that they are likely to catch potential victims.

Some of the most popular types of websites that they target for romance scams are listed below:

1. Dating Sites: This is about the largest fishing grounds for victims.The scammers join dating sites,both paid and free ones, in order to hunt for victims. Few of the…