Sadness Of Love

Click any website that talks of sadness of love. You will get moist eyes after some time. The quotes of some people about the sadness they feel after losing love are very emotionally shattering. Read on..

Are You Allowing Depression To Take Control Of You?

Feeling sad is very normal for human beings. You feel it when you break-up, lost a job or someone dies. After feeling down, you should soon recover from the sadness and move on with your life. Unfortunately not everyone can do this. Sometimes, for no apparent reason, people get sad for long periods of time. This is considered to be depression.

Depression is considered to be a psychological disorder that can be very harmful. Mild cases of depression would make a person cry …

Personal Development & Happiness Tools: Anger Release

Personal Development and Happiness: Releasing Anger

In personal development, one of the main goals is to achieve happiness. What often stands in the way are “negative” emotions that linger on. Most people have some of these emotions, either repressed or lasting with no outlet. Some are low level, some are strong.

Recognising that you have this sadness or anger bottled up inside you, or dealing with lower level emotions are articles that can be found on the Urban Monk w…

Life according to Mike

There are TWO lots of people: those who have said YES to life and those who have said NO.

Faithful Emotions

Our emotions are powerful forces in our lives. Peak deeper into an idea that gives you more power over your emotions. It’s not that they’re to be denied, you will instead find the strength to be with them.