5 Tips for Finding Your Core Competencies

Imagine if during an interview process, you could tell a sales recruit what sales performance competencies are needed and measured… and what levels are necessary to be successful at the sales poistion being considered. All based off of real performance numbers and average benchmarks. Before you can do that, learn how to boil the fat off of mere sales activities and define what legitimizes a ‘Sales Competency’.

10 Tips to Increase Your Referral Ratio

It’s good to possess great cold calling skills, but it’s great not to have to use them. Here’s some ‘Grass roots’ tips to warm up a sales Prospecting call.

Adopt the ‘T’ Method to Sales Performance Improvement

What’s your approach to sales training? Do you have a process that defines which sales performance competency to train to and what impact it will have on selected performance silos if the training objective is successfully met? Or do you rely on ‘field feedback’ not associated with actual performance numbers and related ROI to decide where to put your training dollars?
Here’s a simple blueprint to gain more revenue in less time while maintaining fiscal accountability to the ‘Top-floor’.

Characteristics of a True Sales Leader

In the average sales organization, successful sales reps get promoted to managers. These “new” sales managers are suddenly tasked with leadership and training. In these situations, there is one common liability. The salesperson’s biggest strength now becomes the sales manager’s biggest weakness in leading a team. Here are some steps to take to avoid sales leadership transitional mis-steps.

Fishy Salespeople? How to Finally Stop Handing Out FREE Fish to Your Sales People

Do you remember the good ole days when sales managers used to just sit back and wait for their salespeople to come into their offices and ask for help? Maybe they needed the old veteran to come in and nail down the close. Well, we all know you just can’t do that any more. Sure, that would put a few more sales in the win column (in the short term). But in the long term what are you creating? Nothing but needy, dependent salespeople without an ounce of personal selling confidence. Show your sales people HOW to prospect, HOW to set appointments and HOW to close sales makes your job easier and everybody’s paycheck fatter.