Does Your Sales Training Program Address Your Sales Performance Issues? Part 2
Here’s a Proven Method to Target ‘Sales Skill Training’ to Resolve Sales Performance Issues
Fishy Salespeople? How to Finally Stop Handing Out FREE Fish to Your Sales People
Do you remember the good ole days when sales managers used to just sit back and wait for their salespeople to come into their offices and ask for help? Maybe they needed the old veteran to come in and nail down the close. Well, we all know you just can’t do that any more. Sure, that would put a few more sales in the win column (in the short term). But in the long term what are you creating? Nothing but needy, dependent salespeople without an ounce of personal selling confidence. Show your sales people HOW to prospect, HOW to set appointments and HOW to close sales makes your job easier and everybody’s paycheck fatter.
How to Double your Sales Appointments in Half the Time; Part 1
Sales organizations live by growth. And Sales Growth is measured by sales revenue. If you want to know how to increase sales revenue there are only three ways to do it.
How to Double Your Sales Appointments in Half the Time; Part 2
Why is ‘Setting Sales Appointments’ a Critical Sales Performance Competency and How Do You Build a Prospecting System to Set More Sales Appointments in Less Time?
How to Double Your Sales Appointments in Half the Time; Part 3
There are 6 Major Sales Prospecting Errors that lead to low sales appointment success. In this article we will discuss the ramifications and remedies of the 1st three.
How to Double Your Sales Appointments in Half the Time; Part 4
Here are the final 3 ‘Sales Prospecting Errors’ that lead to low sales appointment success. Find out how to avoid the ‘Slippery Slope’ of low sales appointment conversion ratios.
How to Recognize Your ‘True’ Sales Performance Competencies
“Run your Numbers…don’t chase after Quota”
How do you currently define a “Sales Performance Competency?”
Let’s take a look at (3) essential sales competencies that will dramatically increase your success and take the guesswork out of month-end.
How to Sell Your CFO on Sales Training
“When in Rome… Do as the Romans Do”
Ask any CFO what their first impression is when they hear the words ‘Sales Training’ and they might communicate back their ‘Real world’ vocabulary of ‘un-accountable’ and ‘un-measurable’. Simply put, they know they’re wasting at least half their sales training budget dollars; the problem is they don’t know which half.
And from a sales management perspective, if you don’t use your training budget, you’ll lose it.
Learn an approach your CFO will embrace.
Magic Number Calculator – A Diagnostic Approach to Sales Performance
I walked into a VP of Sales mission with a sales organization consisting of 120 reps spread out over 12 sales regions. They were running at 38% of revenue goal for over 2 years. I ran a Key Performance Indicator study and determined they were running 2 new appointments per week/rep, but their KPI’s dictated they needed to achieve 7. So I announced a training objective to enable them to do it effectively, (now branded the X2 Sales System) and threw quota out the window for 90 days. But I replaced the monthly quota with the weekly ‘magic number’. 8 months later sales units sold increased by 520%. Find out how.
Powerful Routines; Identifying Sales Scenarios and Developing Best Practices for Improvement
There are only a finite amount of scenarios in any selling process and if you identify them, train to them and measure your results you are on your way to excellence. This article will help you do just that.