Death of a Salesman? It’s What Happens When the Customer Says “I’ll Think It Over!”

Michael Jordan said “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it”
You have given a great presentation, you ask for the order and the customer says he‘s going to think it over. This was the moment I felt was the last straw. I’d had it! I don’t want to sell anymore; I’m going back to bookkeeping! So, without a care in mind I said whatever came to mind and it worked! Let me share my epiphany with you.

The Voice of Customer Service

Customer service is about more than mouthing the words customers want to hear in a manner so as to convey our inflection. It is important to understand where in a sentence we put the emphasis. Using a pleasant tone, effective intonation, and empathic emotion our voice can go a long way toward helping customers feel heard, valued and cared for.

Turning Customer Service Inside Out!

While companies focus on external customer service little attention is being paid to the effect poor internal customer service has on customer satisfaction. By improving customer service within the organization you can enhance the customer service your external customers receive.