Punch Up Sales By Letting Them Write Your Ad Letter

Who is best qualified to prove your product works? Who has the credibility and the believability to talk about the benefits of using your product? Who will tell your customers and clients it’s a good decision to buy?

It’s you, right? Perhaps you’d better keep reading…

The answer is – your own customers.

Your customers have the experience of using your product. They’ve used the features, and experienced the benefits. Speaking from this familiarity your customers wil…

The Doorknob-Easy, Pushbutton-Simple Way To Get Testimonials

How many times have you sat down at the computer to write a sales letter or an article and just piddled and hem-hawed around in front of a blank word document trying come up with something to write, or waiting to get into the mood?

To get started and to make the task easier did you type out an outline – and then didn’t it become quite a bit easier to fill in the article or finish out the letter?

Imagine what it’s like for your customer to sit down and try to come up wit…