Why Do We Quit?

Giving examples of why home businesses don’t work or why people don’t take advantage of the tools to succeed.

Efficiency in the Office

Nearly every office, be it commercial or home-based, may have areas of inefficiency that can be improved upon. We are not talking sales figures or profit margins or budgets, but inefficient waste and resource management. For instance, let us look at some common aspects and consider how consumption can be reduced and how to make better use of resources.

Sales Tax On Electricity: Does Your Business Really Owe It…Or Not?

One of the most common overcharges we encounter is in the area of sales tax. We find that many non-taxable uses of electricity are taxed, anyway. Evidently electric companies — at least some of them — elect to play it safe: when in doubt they collect the tax and turn it over to the taxing authority, whether it’s owed or not.

Is It Really Worth The Money?

When it comes to services I sometimes wonder if the asking price is really worth it. I can usually find the service that I am looking for online. Then I have to look around to find witch one is going to give me the most for the money. Well I have found that if I go with the low ball guy, he is reeling me in for a huge sales pitch to asks me to spend more than I would with the high roller guy. Maybe that’s where I should have started my search.

Then again I wrote an articl…

Ethos FR-Ingredient for success!

In all my years networking I’ve been told that in order to spot the right opportunity you have to take 2 things into consideration:


It’s a Little Known Secret that a Steel Building Can Save Your Business Money

High overhead costs have brought many companies to financial ruin. Therefore, investing in an affordable place to operate your business is a smart decision. A steel building will do just that. Beginning with a low-cost construction price you will see an overall reduction in the cost of building maintenance. Don’t take unnecessary risks with your money. Why take any chances with your money? Invest in the best!

How in the World Do People Save Money?

Saving money is a hard task to master. It always seems that when things come up, there goes your savings. Many people I know never have any savings to start with.

Simple Ways to Save Money

Things are so expensive these days. We seem to be hearing, and saying, that a lot lately at the gas pump, in the grocery store and especially when paying bills. But there are simple ways to help save money without making sacrifices in your lifestyle. Small savings can turn into large rewards for little effort.