Prevent Credit Problems

Prevent Credit Problems from the Guide to Good Credit

Credit problems usually result from a lack of communication between the consumer and the creditor. The consumer is not always responsible for credit problems which occur. Losses which occur due to mail, delayed payments and clerical/computer errors are the most common credit problems blamed on the creditor. Some of the prevalent reasons consumers develop credit problems are: unreported changes of address, underpayment, …

How save and make money

The problem with most peoples finances today is that they are not getting enough income to satisfy their needs and wants.

The Berry Tree Reviewed

Many people have put money away for savings, whether in a savings account or an investment account. However, if you are like the many others out there, a savings account or investment account simply does not give you the return that you are expecting.

Increasing Your Bottom Line

As a small business, your focus on the bottom line is always crucial. But how do you increase your bottom line? Increasing the bottom line can happen two ways. One way is to reduce expenses. The other is to increase sales. Of course – that’s Business 101, right? But how does a small or home-based business on a shoe string budget do those things?

Internet Banking – The Pros And Cons

Only a few years ago the concept of online banking seemed like a dubious one – concerns about security and computer glitches were enough to put most people off. But not now, internet banking is booming.

Internet Banking – Which Web Bank is Right For You

Finding information online seems like the proverbial search for the needle in the haystack – with so many sites and adverts vying for attention just thinking about searching for an internet bank is enough to bring on a headache.

How A Millionaire Manages One Dollar

If you don’t know how manage a million dollars, I guarantee that the money will quickly disappear if I wrote you a giant check right now. Precisely like 90% of lottery winners that go bust within five years, they didn’t have the basic discipline or the formula to handle the money that would have created a financial foundation that would last for generations. Learn how to manage a single dollar so that you can move up to the financial big-leagues on your own.

Give a millio…

Offshore Banking – When It Pays To Go Abroad

While you might presume anyone with ‘money in offshore accounts’ is involved in some scurrilous business affairs, the truth is that anyone can use this form of investment as a totally legitimate way to defer or reduce your tax payments.

Personal Accounts – Choosing Your Bank

While many people are with their bank because they’re used to them or because it seems like an unwanted hassle to change accounts, there can be benefits to shopping around.