America Needs An Education Reinvention Bill Now!

In order to build a stronger, more self-sufficient America, America must first be willing to change. To build a progressive and competitive society, America’s most important challenge is to change its antiquated educational system. In every political administration, education must be first and foremost. Without a strong and revitalized educational system, America will never progress to greatness nor be able to alleviate any of our other ills.

The three R’s – reading, ‘riti…

Child Stress Management Ideas

Many children suffer from various forms of stress and in this article I give advice on how parents can help their child during these periods. Their stress can cause them to have nightmares and to lose their self-confidence. I hope you find this article interesting and beneficial.

Juggling a Career and Work

Finding the time to do it all – career, family, continue education? Having trouble jugging? Some problems in this area that people face are very similar to those of the beginning juggler. According to The Instant Jugglers’ Manual, (c)1993 Infinite Illusions/Lofty Pursuits, four common problems are handling two areas of focus at the same time, moving forward while you try to juggle instead of standing still, not being able to juggle in a third area of focus, and keeping all three areas from bum

Re-entering the Workforce

There are many people in the world who decide to put there careers on hold for whatever reason. The reason run the gamut, from becoming a parent to taking care of children.