The Science Of Phobias

Here’s how phobias work.

There are two parts to your mind – one that thinks, and one that feels.

The thinking part is the conscious, rational mind that you are using now as you read this.

The feeling part is the unconscious, emotional mind. It takes care of automatic tasks like regulating the heart, controlling pain and managing our instincts.

It’s the unconscious mind that is programmed to act instinctively in times of danger. It reacts very fast – making you run…

Giant Squid Finally Captured On Film

On 27 September 2005, the greatest zoological discovery of the century was announced. For the first time ever, a live giant squid was caught on film.

The Animal

The giant squid (Architeuthis) has been known to humans since ancient times. Giant squid were regular features in many Norwegian tales (where, many believe, it inspired the creature known as the Kraken). The first substantiated report of a real giant squid, was in 1873. The animal was reported to have been att…

The Latest Patent Applications: Kernel Of Technological Advancement

The value of freedom in a country is priceless. If one country has freedom of speech and thought then they are sure to have a bright future ahead of them. How so? If a society has freedom of thought then they are free to explore their interests or whatever else that may pique their curiosity, which could eventually lead them to great knowledge and amazing discoveries.

Take the United States for example. America has surpasses all the other countries of the world not only ec…

Modern Uses For Ceramics

We commonly think of ceramics as art objects and decorations. But ceramics really are diverse pieces of multi-purpose material that are made from burning formed pieces of pottery. This shaped clay started out many years ago being hand-formed and was eventually made with a wheel to iron out any fingerprints or major imperfections.

Handmade ceramic is still made as an art form today, even though it is no longer the industry standard for making objects. As a beginner you wou…