How To Kill Your Competitors Product And Get A Great Big Laugh While Doing It
I’ll never forget the day one of my competitors began copying and imitating our products and services! At first it was “flattering” or at least I told myself that, in order to not get flaming mad. I kept telling myself, “it’s competition that makes the world go-round”.
If You’re Still Digitizing, You need to read this now!
Still digitizing, huh? Why? If you’re still digitizing I’m guessing you either enjoy it or feel as if you have no other choice available to you. I realize there are certain individuals who get satisfaction from creating or reproducing an image by hand…
Why Most People Are Afraid To Use An Outside Source
Let’s face it, it’s arguably a better choice to outsource any and all of your work that can be supplied by other means. There are a great number of businesses in the world that simply distribute other people’s work…
Three Reasons Why People Won’t Buy And Three Ways To Fix It!
Most of us at some point in our career have experienced the frustration of being unable to “close the deal”! We’ve walked away wondering what else could have been said, shown or done in order to GTC (Get The Check).
Why Your Artwork Is Garbage!
You’ve heard the phrase “garbage in, garbage out!” It’s also true when they say “What You See Is What You Get!” The acronym is WYSIWYG!…