The Internet Structural Engineer

The worlds biggest companies are making the same mistake as the worlds smallest. The worlds most accomplished web design companies are making the same mistake as the worlds smallest. What is going on!

An Internet expert explains how we could all do a lot better, logic is sometimes missed in the simplest of arguments… more

Search Engine Marketing – Its all about ROI

For any business to succeed, it is important to understand the Return on Investment the owner is getting. It is basically the profit or turnover being made by them at the end of the day vis a vie the amount invested in the same. This rule applies to every aspect of our life. When we go to college to study, we look for high marks which will assure us a good job. While talking about web portals, they too keep close watch on what their ROI is when investing and creating the website. This is because

Search Engine Optimisation – To Rank or not to Rank

To have an online presence today is the only way to survive in this highly competitive world. And once a company or individual creates a website, they need to make sure it is Search Engine Optimisation(SEO) friendly. There needs to be certain key words and phrases which are inserted which will help get the listed in the major search engines and bring in more business. Internet marketing is the term used by almost everyone today. This is the method by which you market your company, products and s

SEO – White Hat Success or Black Hat Exclusion

In the process of trying to gain popularity and bring in more business, there are some companies that look at adopting some of the common modes of leveraging through Search engine optimization. This might help them or back fire and lead to their site getting black listed from the index. So, at the end of the day, it really does not matter how good or bad their site is, but what means they adopt to increase traffic.

Web Directories – General Introduction

Why are web directories so popular nowadays?
Everyone is looking at getting their own directory but most webmasters still haven’t considered what a good directory submission strategy can offer them.

Ecommerce Website Design’s 6 Common Mistakes

E-Commerce websites present small businesses with an ideal cost effective method to expand their business and cut operating costs. Recent trends indicate that changes in consumer behaviour patterns have led to a wide spread increase in the number of E-commerce websites for small business. Ecommerce is a highly competitive field and small businesses need to utilise professional ecommerce websites in order to stay ahead of their competitors. This article discusses the common web design mistakes made by Ecommerce websites and how small businesses can avoid them.