Web site marketing and effective search engine optimization

Building and hosting your website is not enough. To get business from your web site potential customers must find the site easily in the major search engines.
At least 1/2 of your initial budget should be dedicated to marketing the site and otpimizing for the search engines.

3 Things To Do Prior To Submitting Articles

With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is why article writing, submissions and publications are also getting popular.

3 Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is why article writing, submissions and publications are also getting popular.

5 Easy Ways To Get Your Creative Juices Going

Writing an article doesn’t just mean putting down thoughts into words then typing and writing it. You have to capture the interest of your readers and get them to keep on reading. To send your message across you have to get the attention of the reader and have a firm grasp of their interest and pique their curiosity.

Going to Bookshops to Identify a Hot Market

The day may come when people do all of their researching and reading online but it isn’t here yet. Fiction, of course, will always be in print… it would be hard to curl up with a good novel in front of the fireplace on a cold winter day with a computer. Research, however, may eventually all be done online. People buy ‘how-to’ books and books that are devoted to solving their problems and/or making their

Why Do I Need To Get My Web Site Indexed

You need to get your web site index by the search engines so people can find you! To get people to visit your site, to read your message, to buy your products they need to know where to find you.

Why Niche Marketing is the Way to Go in Succeeding Online

Niche Marketing is the last great frontier for the small business entrepreneur. Out there in the ‘real’ world, small businesses don’t have a half fair chance of competing against the giant international corporations of the world. The Internet has evened the odds for small business. The Internet has created a real equal opportunity for those who are willing to use it. There are several different ways to

Do you know how to search and find what you want?

Searching the web and finding the results you are looking for is sometimes a difficult task. A lot of people search using just two or three keywords, which sometimes does not yield the results you are looking for.

Google Pagerank Update – First In 2006

With much enthusiasm and equally much concern, there are clear signs that a new Google PageRank update is happening right now as we speak.

Most of you, web site owners, publishers and SEO consultants, are probably dreading these updates just as much as I do: after a period of working hard into acquiring new valuable links, the inevitable question is “Will I be rewarded? And if so, just how much?”

Let’s take a glimpse into what the new PageRank update is bringing:
