How Fair Lending Protects Us

Fair lending is an extremely important issue in the protection of consumers and their interests. There is a variety of legislation, both state and federal, that will be in place to make sure that lenders do not take advantage of consumers when they are borrowing money.

The Pros And Cons Of Prepaid Credit Cards

Observers in the lending industry have estimated that there may be at least 50 million Americans who are not able to qualify for credit. These consumers are usually young, often members of the minority groups and unbanked…and they are faced with the long-standing dilemma of credit: how can I build my credit record if no one will give me any credit at all?

Capital And Its Reward

Finance, in the sense in which it will be used in this article, means the machinery of money dealing.

Buy To Let – The Pitfalls

Taking on a property in addition to your home can be a time consuming and complex matter. Before you become a landlord (or lady), make sure you’ve thought it through!


While you may be lucky and find the perfect tenant by chance, it’s a good idea to interview potential tenants first. You can ask for references from previous landlords or employers to reassure yourself that they are trustworthy and solvent. While students provide a large part of the tenant market, …

Borrowing – Your Options Explained

When you approach a lender to ask for a loan, you can expect a certain formula. Mortgages are a particular type of loan – they usually involve larger amounts, are spread over a longer period, and are secured on your house.