Dealing With Criticism And Difference In Opinion

Why this is important

We often become emotionally disturbed during a disagreement, or an argument, or when someone criticizes us or disagrees with us. In such cases our personality usually feels hurt, demeaned and in danger.

When we feel this way, we destroy our own happiness, clarity and health and often behave in ways which we later regret.

A simple technique for gaining clarity is to:

1. Remember that concerning criticism, there are two possibilities:

a. The…

Stress Eliminating Affirmations

Our thoughts create our reality. Here are some Affirmations which create a more positive, happier more fulfilling reality.

A. About Ability and Security

1. Anxiety solves no problems – actions do.

2. Some problems are problems only because I believe them to be.

3. I have the inner power and strength to deal with whatever life brings me.

4. I am capable of handling any possible difficulties which might occur.

5. I feel safe and secure in every situation.

The ‘Gratitude’ Dilemma Unsolved

As you will soon find out, showing gratitude for everything, ranging from mundane trivia to life-changing events is frequently touted as the route to happiness.

Gratitude can be adequately defined as a form of self-acceptance that shows your appreciation for your surrounding situation. You can be grateful for practically anything: the tangibles and the intangibles, the gains and the losses, the past and the future.

Certain religions and schools of thought have included …

To Thine Own Self Be True

We have looked before on the concept of self-love and I would like to take the time into look into this in more depth.

If you remember, we said that AGAPE love was an unconditional love and that we needed to love our neighbor as we love ourselves. Let us look more closely at why we have so much difficulty in the area of loving and accepting ourselves. We will start by looking at two very basic questions.

How to Find Your Real Self Again

On the surface it seems an odd idea that you could actually be anything other than who you really are. But from the time we can talk, we’re being programmed to “fit in”. We find ourselves conforming in order to please the people we love, and who love us.

Self-appreciation: The Key To Living A Life Of Joy

The role of self-appreciation in creating a life of joy is the focus of this article. What it means, practical steps, and the process of daily practicing joy in one’s self is the fundamental thesis.