Peace, The Balm To Soothe Troubled Lives And Times

In his masterpiece, “Man’s Search for Meaning,” Viktor Frankl writes, “Every age has its own collective neurosis and every age needs its own psychotherapy to cope with it.” There is a collective neurosis in our world today, it is the cry for peace emanating from individuals, groups, communities and nations, impacting the mass consciousness.

The cries and marches for peace, power and freedom that marked recent decades, present a backdrop for today’s human conditions of st…

Ten Ways To Live With Heart

To Live With Heart means living with feeling. Everyone has feelings. When we are aware of how we feel, we are in touch with a basic part of ourselves. Living with heart means we live with all our feelings, accepting all, even the painful ones. Many of us choose to accept the happy ones and deny those that don’t feel so good. Why do we do this? We would rather ignore them than face them. We don’t know how to handle them, how to express them or how to heal the pain. In reality …

The Birth Of I.M. Heart

I.M. Heart came as a soft whisper one morning as I was barely awake. It was one of those whispers that you think you’ve dreamt about – and yet the word hangs in your semi-consciousness. It’s as if a messenger is trying to tell you, “Come on, it’s important for you to remember this. Now don’t forget it!” So, I crawled out of bed and wrote I.M. Heart on a piece of paper.

Days passed and I wandered around with these words floating through my thoughts. Did you ever do that – g…

The Dirty Dozen: Why We Do Not Want To Face Feelings

Feelings! Feelings! For many people, feelings are not a favorite topic to think about or talk about. There are many reasons people refuse to take a look at their feelings. The top 12 or the dirty dozen are:

1. Feelings Hurt. I recently had a conversation with a friend who some years ago lost her husband, her buddy and best friend. At this point in her life, she would like to have another relationship. However, she knows that she is still grieving the loss of her husband. S…

Help Others Find Inner Peace

People with pessimistic attitudes go through their lives fighting their thoughts and emotions every day. If they are rejected for a job position, they feel that they are not good enough to have any job. They start to think that everyone believes they are stupid, and the cycle of pessimism traps them into psychological immobility. In fact, everyone experiences rejection at some time during their lives, but when your mind focuses on the negative aspects of a situation, it is ha…

What Is Your True Purpose In Live?

Here is an interesting way to discover your true purpose in life. It is about the real reason why you exist and the meaning for you to be here. It will take around 20 minutes.

The Key To Perseverance

Do you find it hard to stick to a plan or purpose in life? Does quitting often seem too easy? What is the key to perseverance?

Grow Through It

Reflecting on your interactions in relationships with other people allows you to observe and adjust your views, beliefs, perceptions. Often, past experiences limit our future experiences by tainting our judgements of others. Wouldn’t it be better to discover who others are from a place of wonder and amusement? Shutting them out with that first judgement is like saying a banana split is lousy because it looks so messy!

Increasing Awareness To Achieve Personal Goals And Objectives – 1

One of the problems of the modern Western way of life is what many describe as the “pace” of life. Personally, I think that “pace” is a misnomer in most cases. Very few people actually have a fast pace of life. For maybe a few top politicians, business men and celebrities, a fast pace of life may be a reality. For millions of ordinary people, though, it is not so much pace as a repetitive daily grind.

The daily grind of getting up early, travelling to work, spending all da…

Increasing Awareness To Achieve Personal Goals And Objectives – 2

As you become more self aware, or are already self aware enough, you can take advantage of that in setting your own personal goals and objectives. The self aware have a strong communication with their subconscious, which gives them an invaluable tool in setting and achieving goals and objectives.

Presenting an objective to your subconscious as a fait accomplis will pave the way to that objective being met. Do so often enough, and from as many angles as possible, will just …