Empty Holsters Leave Students Feeling Defenseless
From April 21 to 25, 2008, members of the organization Student’s for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC) will be holding the second Empty Holster Protest in several campuses nationwide. Students who are members of the SCCC will be wearing empty holsters or shirts that advocate the right to wear concealed weapons.
Do You Know How To Use The Basic Self Defense Moves On A Threatening Situation?
Self defense is the practice of protecting yourself in a defensive manner in order to reduce any harm caused by another attacker, or to help you get rid of a violent situation. There are many different forms of self defense. Not all self defenses are considered “physical”. If you are researching self defense, it is essential that you understand the basics. Here, you will learn about self defense basics and the steps that you can use in order to protect yourself in threatening…
Meet My Bodyguard – Mr. Taser
Not so very long ago, those concerned about crime or fearing for their safety had limited options. Many such people chose to purchase a handgun, unfortunately resulting in occasional accidental deaths when children got hold of it or someone was mistakenly identified as an intruder (resulting in yet another occupational liability for pizza delivery drivers!)
After that came a plethora of non-lethal weapons including stun guns, pepper spray, and Tasers. Among the foregoing, …
Self Defense 2: Life Style Exercise
I want to stay alive!
Do you?
Mugging! Rape! Hooligans! Yobs!
Cholesterol! Circulation! Diabetes! Progressive Joint stiffness! Family genetic factors!
You name it!
Few diseases of developing age can be prevented.
But many – so many indeed – can be modified and risks so much reduced.
There are many lines to follow. Above all – the focus of this article – spinal integrity. The organs all get what we could call their ”electric energy supply” from the spinal …
Self Defense 4 – Which Martial Art?
You are elderly and unfit. And very concerned at the risk you face when walking our streets and parks.
Worried about mugging. Frightened about rape. Scared of yobs. You want to learn how to give yourself a better than even chance of survival.
You have decided to join a self defense class. But which one?
Karate? Aikido? Judo? Ju-jutsu? Kung-fu? Hapkido? The list is truly endless.
My advice? Don’t join any! If you do, you will have NO chance of surviving a mugging o…
Self Defense 6: The Mandatory Warning
You are walking along when you see a suspicious looking character coming towards you. You adjust the hold on your umbrella or walking stick and prepare to defend yourself.
Aware of the need to protect yourself, as he approaches you suddenly hit out and break his head.
No! Bad! Very Bad!
The result? He lands up seriously sick in hospital.
And you end up seriously sick in jail!
Until proven otherwise, he is doing no wrong walking where he is. He has not …
Self Defense 8: Curdle His Blood!
Tyson, my dog, is a powerful Staffordshire Bull Terrier. Tremendously strong, huge jaws and a tremendous bite. Which I know to my cost when he misses his rope tug-of-war and accidentally catches me instead!
The only thing which subdues him is – a sharp command from my wife. And down he cowers. [A bit like me?]
Gorgeously natured, he is afraid of nothing. That’s how it should be. He is able to go wherever he chooses – when I allow him.
But I have observed on so many o…
I’ll Take Chloe and Her Stun Gun on My Team
Self defense is just as much a matter of preparation as anything else. Just ask Chloe O’Brien the super geek-ess from the hit show “24” who used a stun gun on a recent episode to thwart unwanted advances from a stranger when she was busy helping Jack save the world.
Self Defense: Pepper Spray-Why It Is So Effective
Pepper spray has become one of the most popular non lethal self defense weapons on the market today. Its’ effectiveness and ease of use are two of the reasons why.
Self Defense- Crime Wave in Phoenix and Washington DC
Crime waves are hitting at least two of our nations biggest cities. Citizens are in an absolute state of fear of “living” in their own cities. They have to realize that police are doing everything they can but cannot be everywhere all the time. Individuals have the right and duty to defend themselves.