Confidence: Dealing With And Creating Self Confidence

Our society is in some ways becoming increasingly isolated and individualised, leading to less worthwhile personal connectivity between us humans. In some cases this is not always a bad thing; however the decreased amount of human interaction could be a potential problem over time. It is my opinion that we are already seeing the effects of this in the west. With a decrease in interaction with other humans from many different back grounds we run the treat of losing some of our…

Confidence And Self Confidence

Do you shy away when you wish that you could join in? Do you feel that sometimes you are just not good enough to achieve something? Are you always putting yourself down? Well if so then you may have an issue with your confidence. Low self esteem or a lack of self confidence is something that affects many people throughout their lives, so it is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact hundreds of leading personalities and even world leaders at one time suffered at the hands of a lack…

Develop Your Self-esteem

Esteem is a simple word. It is worth and value that we apply to people, places, and situations. We have esteem when a professional puts in an exemplary performance whether it is in sports, acting, or simply doing the right thing.

But the most important place we need to apply esteem is within ourselves. We must maintain our self-esteem in order to place value on ourselves as a worthy individual in the world.

Self-esteem affects every single part of our lives creati…

Developing A Positive Mental Attitude

Because the development of a positive mental attitude can be a truly daunting task for many people, the best way to begin is with a plan. All truly great endeavors, such as the making of the Empire State Building or the creation of the United States of America, each began with a plan. If the plan is a good one to start, it can later be improved upon and made to be even better. The beginning, however, will require a good plan and a devotion to success.

Once the plan has bee…

Fears: Are They As Big As They Feel?

What are you afraid of? There is plenty to fear – whether you are a child, a teenager or an adult. Fears come in all shapes and sizes from the Boogieman to the Taxman. You can be afraid of speaking in front of a crowd, growing old, getting a bad grade on a test, losing friends, looking bad, embarrassing yourself. The list can go on and on. Everybody is afraid of something and to different degrees.

Are fears only as big as we make them?

Let’s take a look. Let’s say that …

Gaining Self Confidence To Succeed In Anything!

Where does self confidence come from? How do we get it? Why don’t I have it? The answer to all of these questions can be answered with one word – you! Self confidence starts with you, your perception of yourself, and what other people think about your actions or behavior.

For some of us, a lack of self confidence only affects our high ambitions. You might have always wanted to get up on stage, or to be a professional singer or actor for example. Perhaps your life dream is …

Gaining Self Esteem

When our self esteem is low, we tend to have the habit of picking at ourselves. Little self criticisms enter our thoughts constantly, and a lot of the time we do not even realize we are doing it! We just feel crumby. It is simply a bad habit to pick at your self, but since that makes us feel sad and incompetent it limits us from doing all we can in life. When we notice we are doing self criticizing, we can argue with the criticism and that helps. But if each evening we just t…

Healing From Childhood Abuse

In the 37 years that I have been counseling individuals, I have worked with many people who have suffered from severe physical, emotional, and/or sexual abuse in childhood. Many who have sought my help were suffering from fear and anxiety, depression, various addictions, relationship problems and sexual problems. Many of these people had no memory of their childhood and had no idea why there were so unhappy. Many had spent years in therapy yet had never remembered their abuse…

How To Excel In Your Performance

It is generally known that to excel in any given sport or activity, you will need skill, natural talents, and lots of practice. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that people spend much time training and practicing to get better at any given activity. What people often neglect, however, is how important the mental and emotional outlook can affect performance. The best of them all are not only the ones with the best skills or with the most practice, but the ones with the tough…

Self Confidence: Build Yours Today!

Having a lack of self confidence of a low self esteem can affect nearly all areas of your life. If can affect you while out with friends, while giving a presentation and while meeting new people, to name but a few. Confidence issues can be brought about for many different reasons and over time they become so common place that we just expect them to happen. If you are dealing with confidence issues at the moment you will understand just how it can affect your life and sometime…