Are You Able To Control Your Circumstances?


Are you?

Do you feel completely in control of your life, totally happy and fulfilled?

Or, like the majority of people are you unhappy about significant parts of your life?

The truth is you can control your circumstances and how you feel and act in response to your surroundings.

One of the key messages from Stephen R Covey’s book “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is that you are “response-able”. You are not like a moth flying into a candle flame b…

Principles Are The Key To A Congruent Life

When you live a congruent life, different parts of your life are no longer split into separate compartments, instead they become part of one integrated whole where each part mutually supports and reinforces each other part.

Many self growth thinkers regard congruency as THE success principle. “Why You Must Bring Congruency Into Your Life” ( talks more about this.

For example, you are in a career that appears to …

The Motivation Of Second Half Thinking

Football matches are won or lost in the second half. It does not matter what code of football is being played, and it does not only apply to football. It is how you finish that counts – in any sport or competition or campaign. It applies to your life. Look at your life as one complete match or look at your current circumstance and assess where you are in terms of the half time break and begin now to strategize the finish.

I saw this very clearly on one occasion when I was …

Self-Growth: Building Character And Integrity

It’s been said that character is defined by what you do when you think no one is watching. What an illuminating concept that is.

Most of us have a public face and a private face. There are parts of ourselves we don’t want the world to see. Typically, we tend to hide the aspects that would not be viewed favorably by society. Greed, lust, jealousy, pettiness, fear and so on. We also tend to hide our weaknesses. No one needs to know that we can wolf down a gallon of ice cream…

A System for Self-growth and Discovery

This article is a brief description of the spiritual path that I am walking upon. The key main components of my path are meditation and dreams/vision interpretation.

5 Tips To Supercharge Your Motivation

Motivation is the driving force behind life-enhancing change. It comes from knowing exactly what you want to do and having an insatiable, burning desire to do what’s necessary to get it. It keeps your dream on track as it is the power of motivation that keeps you going when the going gets tough.

Here’s 5 top tips to help you supercharge your motivation:

1. Create a picture board and fill it with images of your desired goals. The car you want to own, the house you want t…

Make It Your Destiny To Accomplish Great Things In Your Life

As of now, do not allow your past to dictate your future. Leave the past behind you and move on to do, have and become what you truly desire.

Allow yourself to build your dreams and then immerse yourself in the pleasures of living your dreams. Go beyond your small achievements and invest in your life to acomplish many great things.

How To Nurture Your Goals And Dreams

One of the most powerful things we can do for ourselves is make a conscious effort to nurture our goals and dreams. After all, isn’t nurturing care what makes everything grow? Think of the nurturing energy you provide to your children, your pets, your spouse, and even your own personal development. Without nurturing care, living things will die.

Our dreams and goals are certainly living things, breathed into being by our own thoughts. It is vital to nurture them and encour…

Self-Growth: When Everything Falls Apart

We often have the perception that self-growth will be simple, enjoyable, and rewarding. It certainly can be, but there is also another aspect of the self-growth journey that is rarely mentioned. And that is, when everything falls apart.

One of the major parts of self-growth is learning how to look inside yourself and get clear about certain things. Most often, this involves recognizing and dissolving inner blockages. These are usually deep-rooted beliefs that we formed in …