What ‘Makes’ A Relationship For You – And How Hypnosis Will Help You Get It.
In the last one hundred years the boundaries and definitions of what makes a good relationship have been stretched and distorted into so many new and exciting shapes – some good and some awful. So what ‘makes’ a relationship work for you? And what’s more, what could you do to make the relationship that you are in now – even better?
Could you seek more pleasure, better communication, more companionship or a better sex life from your partner? Well, hypnotherapy may be what y…
Alcohol Addiction: A Solution
With the increase of binge and underage drinking are we heading for problems of an epidemic scale? Is the fun and free living going to come back and haunt us in the not so distant future? Well it is certainly possible as diabetes, liver failure and so many other physical ailments can be helped along by bad drinking habits. So why are we experiencing problems like this in the twenty-first century – at the beginning of the information age – and more importantly, how can we chan…
Anxiety And Stress – Use Nlp And Overcome Them And Relax
More than ever, scientific surveys are proving the primary role played by stress in causing and aggravating various physical and emotional disorders. In the June 6, 1983 issue of Time Magazine, the cover story labeled stress “The Epidemic of the Eighties.” The article also mentioned that stress is our prominent health issue. Indeed it is unquestionable that the world has become more and more complicated and stressful in the past 25 years since that article was written.
Are You A Victim Of Compulsive Spending?
You receive your paycheck and you are too happy about it. You have planned to save every 6cms wide and 15cms long bill with the famous presidents posing with their wide smile. But instead you visit a shopping mall and decide to buy jeans. You do grab it, and as if that’s not all, you see a sale banner at the shoe store and go ahead and grab that too. Now you have a pair of shoes and jeans, so you decide to get a shirt to wear as well. You keep on buying stuff though you have …
Are You Dealing With A Compulsive Lying Syndrome
There are many people that just can’t stop lying. In order to avoid the truth this path is chosen. A lie that is said for someone’s benefit is to cheat another. However there are some people that always lie, meaning that they are looked upon as liars for everything and anything that they might say. Anyone who has the habit of lying continuously is called as compulsive liar. It is a condition where a person is just unable to speak the truth, even if he tries to put it in a sim…
Cannabis Addiction Is Omnipresent
Cannabis a plant, in general terms a drug that has made several addicted. One name many roles, Cannabis is also known as Marijuana. Cannabis makes around 9% of its users addicted to it according to a study in UK. Some researchers claim that 50% of its users have a control over it. Around 70millon Americans have consumed this drug and a population of 2millon use it as a daily drug. Some compare cannabis habits with dependency on caffeine.
When you try to stop cannabis consu…
Confidence: Dealing With And Creating Self Confidence
Our society is in some ways becoming increasingly isolated and individualised, leading to less worthwhile personal connectivity between us humans. In some cases this is not always a bad thing; however the decreased amount of human interaction could be a potential problem over time. It is my opinion that we are already seeing the effects of this in the west. With a decrease in interaction with other humans from many different back grounds we run the treat of losing some of our…
Confidence And Self Confidence
Do you shy away when you wish that you could join in? Do you feel that sometimes you are just not good enough to achieve something? Are you always putting yourself down? Well if so then you may have an issue with your confidence. Low self esteem or a lack of self confidence is something that affects many people throughout their lives, so it is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact hundreds of leading personalities and even world leaders at one time suffered at the hands of a lack…
Control Your Drinking With Hypnosis
Alcoholism has negatively impacted many lives. Though it’s a sad thing, there are plenty of people who just can’t put down the bottle. Like most other addictions, alcoholism has the ability to warp reality to the point where addicts no longer have any control over their functions. Alcoholism is a problem that can rip apart families, end careers, or even end lives. There are many medical downfalls associated with alcoholism and some of the social implications are just as serio…
Deal With Pornography Addiction
What is the key cause for people to get addicted to pornography? Is it loneliness, or the want to be loved with passion? Does it begin with exploring, is it lust or is it the whetstone for a warped mind? Well different people have different views about watching too much of porn and strangely pornography is the largest on-line business with the most number of Internet searches going out to the porn industry.
Some people just think its time to pass, while on the other hand i…