The Woman In The Mirror – My Personal Story

How many times have you looked in the mirror and seen something you don’t like? It happens to the best of us, we get caught up in what we ‘should’ look like. Thighs are too big, hair is too straight, too many freckles, breasts are too small… the list could go on, and for many of us it does. The question is, are you loving who you are and keen to further improve yourself, or are you getting caught in the old “I’ll be happy when…”? “I’ll be happy when I weigh only X kg”, “I’ll …

Do you want to achieve fulfillment, success and true happiness?

Successful people are often thought of as LUCKY by those who still struggle for success in their chosen field of endeavor.

Maybe it’s just that those folks who are successful spend more of their time doing what they enjoy doing and what they do best.

What do you enjoy doing? What do you do best?

If you do not enjoy what you are doing then it is less likely that you will find success!

Answering the Time-Old Question – What is Self Image?

Self image has been scrutinized by psychologists and philosophers alike for centuries. Even though there are many arguments as to what self image is exactly, people will agree that self image has much to do with how a person feels about him/herself.

Learning How To Overcome Self-Sabotage

It’s easy to forget just how powerful our subconscious minds can be. We are often completely unaware of how our actions (or inactions) are affecting our lives. We may complain that things never work out for us, we have bad luck, or we just don’t have what it takes to be successful. What we fail to realize is that we are actually creating our own circumstances through subconscious self-sabotage. In order to overcome self-sabotage we first have to use conscious awareness to exp…

Self-Esteem: Being Your Own Cheerleader

Many of us believe that the only way to feel good about ourselves is to have someone else constantly reaffirm to us that we are good people. The truth is, however, that the act of simply believing in ourselves can be enough to give us the necessary confidence to accomplish the impossible, achieve greatness, and pick ourselves up when we fall. Far too often we rely on others in our lives to provide us with a best friend’s kindness, a child’s love, or a spouse’s support. If we …

The Self Image of a Baby Boomer

Self image takes on a different role in Mid Life. It’s not a cocky attitude which spurs on winning and over powering another person. It is about having the self confidence to be comfortable in your own skin. Creating a life and a style more suited for who you have become. It’s liking the ability to walk in your own shoes and not trying to copy or wish you were someone else. The self image of any aging baby boomer is unique.