2 Easy Ways To Manage Your Anger

Anger is an emotional feeling and an expression which we all have from time to time. Each and every one of us reacts to anger differently. Some people may feel a great urgency to smash something, some people shouts at the top of their lungs to vent their anger while others will remain silent throughout the entire time.

Anger can lead to destructive consequences. Sadly, most people do not have any form of training or instruction on how to deal with these emotions. As a resu…

3 Tips For Staying Motivated Towards Your Goals

It’s not always easy to stay motivated when you’re trying to achieve a goal. Some experts say that the “goal” itself should be enough to inspire unwavering diligence toward achieving it…and there is an element of truth in that. However, the reality is that the discomforts of striving for a particular goal can sometimes cause us to lose focus.

Want to get in shape, save for a large purchase, “make the grade” in your studies? Don’t worry…whatever you’re trying to accompl…

5 Simple Steps To Manifest More Money With The Law Of Attraction

Almost everyone I know wants to know how they can increase their cash flow. Perhaps you have questioned why some people seem to always have money while others struggle just to make ends meet.

I think it is safe to say that most of the world uses and needs money to survive. Although everyone uses and needs money, not everyone has a healthy view about money. Many religions teach that money is the “root of all evil”. They hold on to cliché’s such as “the rich are getting rich…

6 Ways To Dramatically Improve Your Eye Contact Skills

Is your eye contact aggressive, is it soft, is it inviting, do you love with your eyes? Eye contact is a very tricky art to master but vital to effective communication. How can you make it better?

Eye contact provides social information to the person you are listening to and talking to. Too much eye contact and you could be seen as aggressive, too little eye contact and you can be seen as having no interest in the person speaking. It is an often overlooked skill to have an…

8 Surprising Things You Can Do Through Hypnosis—And Why You’d Want To

You’re probably aware of hypnosis to stop smoking. Or for losing pounds. Maybe you’ve heard how hypnosis can help explore past lives, but there are some things hypnosis can help you do that might surprise or amaze you:

1. Locate lost objects. If you were the one who put it away, or you witnessed it being put away, hypnosis might help. Even if the incident was years ago. Try it and see what happens.

2. Enjoy foods you’ve avoided. Brussel sprouts are healthy, and whole-gr…

A Lesson In Gaslighting

There’s a psychological technique called gaslighting which is incredibly potent especially in persuasive situations.

A few nights ago I was watching TV, just flipping around aimlessly, and came upon an old episode of M*A*S*H. In this episode, BJ is bored and to entertain himself he cooks up a plan for amusement at Winchester’s expense.

BJ takes a pair of Winchester’s pants and in their place replaces them with a pair two sizes too large. When Winchester eventually puts …

A Simple Personal Development Method For Bonding Yourself To Success

Regardless of which method or belief system about personal development that you subscribe to, the fact that your state of mind is the primary fuel for your success is a foregone conclusion.

However, knowing that fact and putting it into action are two different things. In order to maximize your personal development results, make this simple method a part of your conscious efforts.

For this exercise, we will use the example of weight loss, but you can do this exercise wi…

Accomplishing Everything You Want By Eliminating Reversals

Ever hear the idiom ‘sink or swim’? When sharks stop swimming, they die. That’s where it comes from.

As humans, if we stop moving, stop progressing, stop learning, we don’t literally die or sink, but we stop growing and may even experience a figurative death.

Growth happens on all levels of our existence including physical, financial, emotional, spiritual, and when we stagnate emotionally, and we’re feeling ‘stuck’ this may be the result of a ‘reversal’. If you can reve…

Addiction To Numbness

Linda sat opposite me at one of my five-day Inner Bonding Intensives. She had decided to attend the Intensive because her depression, which had plagued her for years, was not being helped by medication or by the numerous forms of therapy that she had tried.

As she sat opposite me, telling me about her past and her depression, I felt like I was sitting with a person who had stuffed herself into a box and closed the door. There was a sense of emptiness and numbness that ema…