Who Am I?
Who am I? We don’t ask the question often. There is a meditation that asks us to look at this, to recognize what we are not, and to suffer less.
Discover Your Path to Success – Part 4
As humans, we have progressed in so many ways, but we have lost touch with our bodies, nature, and the power of prayer. There seems to be a spiritual renaissance, of sorts, going on in the “new age” movement.
I hate to share this reality check people, but confidence is something that we already have and have always had since our cute little butts were spanked at birth.
Stay Strong You Can Make It
We all go through pressures in life. We can not, however, just lay down and quit. We say when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Diamonds are formed by pressure and force. Are you under pressure? Let it make you into a diamond.
Survival challenges us through many different issues such as: child abuse, sexual abuse, birth, death, job loss, health problems, low self-esteem, relationship ups and downs, parenting, deceptions, breakdowns, poverty, natural disasters, education, addictions and even our own desires to be strong.
Conquering Fear
The leading cause of people not fulfilling their dreams is NOT the fear of failure … it’s the fear of success! The fear of actually accomplishing what they set out to do. The fear of living life to the fullest may have paralyzed you. This will cause you to never really try in your business, or if you do try, to sabotage your efforts so you never have to face your fear of success.
Child Victim to Survivor!
Victims have no choice but to survive. If they do not commit suicide, they learn to cope. I have mentioned in another article that some use drugs, alcohol, food, cutting ones self and even sex. These are common coping strategies. NO they are not good ones, but for most of the victims that choose that road, it’s the better of the two evils.
CONTROL…who exactly is being controlled?
“I have to ask myself though…is it reasonable to control my significant others’ friendships, “just in case” they develop a sexual attraction?”
How to Find Your Real Self Again
On the surface it seems an odd idea that you could actually be anything other than who you really are. But from the time we can talk, we’re being programmed to “fit in”. We find ourselves conforming in order to please the people we love, and who love us.
7 Reasons Why It Is Important To Have Goals
I recently had a conversation with one of my former students. She has been out of school for a few years now but isn’t satisfied with the direction her career has taken. In fact, she’s not too happy with her personal life either. Her voice developed more than a touch of whine as she said: “I don’t know what to do.”
So I asked her about her goals. Her response was a rather slack-jawed look of surprise. “Goals?” Well at least she wasn’t whining anymore.
I asked her what s…