Coffee is for Closers….and for Coaches

You’ve likely watched the iconic scene from David Mamet’s Glengarry Glen Ross where Blake, a young hotshot from downtown with an $80,000 BMW and a holier-than-thou attitude, browbeats a room full of downtrodden salesman.

To Coach, or Not to Coach?

To coach, or not to coach: that is the question.
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of occasional “time lost,”
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles…

Sales Techniques & The Death of The Sales Call

A Google search on sales techniques or strategies (including more specific searches like a search on real estate sales technique or prospecting techniques or marketing tips or motivation strategies) will yield over a million results instantly. Even with so much information at your finger tips it is not any easier to perfect your sales techniques or advertising techniques. Even when you refine your search to terms like sales closing techniques, motivation techniques, presentation techniques, sales skills, and so on and so forth, it is rather hard to narrow down your search any further from among the million odd articles.

The Sales Training Series: Dealing With Sales Objections and Stalls

Most salespeople think of “stalls” and “objections” as synonyms. Wrong. Stalls and objections are both things you may hear after you have asked for commitment, but an objection is a specific reason not to buy. In a stall—“I need to think about it”—the customer offers no particular reason for hesitating.