Mortgage Marketing With a Blog
One great way for mortgage brokers and loan officers to market the benefits of their products and services is with a Blog.
Sell Your Successes: 3 Techniques That Can Lower Your Marketing Costs & Energize Your Business
Looking for simple marketing and sales techniques to differentiate your business from the competition? Well here are 3 key ones that will help you humanize and personalize your marketing and sales approach to draw prospects in like a magnet!
Staying Afloat in Today’s Mortgage Market
As the refinance boom is quickly coming to an end, if not so already in the mortgage industry. It is critical to keep working in order to keep those leads coming your way.
Strike Gold With Effective Prospecting
Whether you’re looking for new agents or new clients, the key to finding them is effective prospecting. There are numerous ways to go about prospecting. Some of them are active methods, while others are passive. Active prospecting methods are things like Personal Observation, Public Speaking, Agent and Client Referrals, Networking, and Centers of Influence, while passive methods include using the internet, newspaper advertising and direct mail campaigns. Both passive and acti…
Two Ways to Market Yourself Without Spending a Dime
Unfortunately not all of us have a budget to fit what we believe to be our marketing needs. No need to get down, here are a few very simple things you can do that have stood the test of time, and are proven to attract more business.
What Is Marketing?
To too many people marketing equates to one of two things:
– Selling: with all that entails such as the dreaded double-glazing or financial salesman.
– Advertising: with all that entails such as the slick young creative and smarmy account person.
Of course marketing also encompasses these functions – though, hopefully not as in the stereotypes that are in so many minds – but marketing is about a great deal more than just selling or advertising.
Marketing is the wide…
What Not to Display on Display Signs
If you are promoting a product and you are doing some advertising with displays, don’t allow for your customer to know everything. Otherwise, they won’t have a reason to call you, or come visit you.
You Can Make a Fortune on Ebay …But Only If You Get Going!
Would you be surprised if I told you over 12 million people visit Ebay a month. I haven’t checked all the sites on the Internet, but I doubt there are many sites bringing in that much traffic.
8 Ways to Avoid Litigation When You Sell a Business
Based on recent litigation storm clouds, business owners planning exit strategies better batten down their legal hatches. As a small business owner, your company most likely represents a significant portion of your net worth. That’s why it’s crucial not to let litigation wash it away when the time comes to convert your years of hard work into cash.
Scheduling Retail Employees
Scheduling my team has always been one of my least favorite tasks as a retail manager. It’s tedious, it takes hours and even when I think I have it right, I probably don’t. What makes scheduling a challenge is that you are balancing the demands of individuals on your team with the demands of your business. This can be a very time consuming and frustrating.
Lets say you complete a schedule which took you 2 hours to create. You have carefully made sure everyone has at least…