The A-Z Of Increasing Your Online Marketing ROI Part I

A – Affiliate Marketing
Merchant products are promoted on 3rd party (affiliate) websites. When visitors click through from the affiliate site to the merchant site and make a purchase then an agreed fee is paid to the affiliate.

If you advertise your products online, affiliate marketing is an efficient way to generate additional business. It is a cost effective form of advertising for merchants, and a simple way for affiliates to earn revenue from their website.

B – Ban…

Does Google Trust You? Trust Rank Exlained

It is over two years since a paper was released the basis of TrustRank,, yet even today, over two years later, hardly anyone outside of the core internet marketing world have clue what it is. The original concept was simple and in fact only a few lines.

Combating Web Spam with TrustRank. Technical Report, Stanford University, 2004

Web spam pages use various techniques to achieve higher-than-deserved rankings in a search engine’s results. While human experts can identify…

How To Beat The Google Sandbox And Make Some Cash At The Same Time

I stumbled across this quite by accident. I knew it was there because I’d seen it before but I forgot about it until today.

So I did some checking to see if it still does work and based on my limited test it appears that it does.

What I’m about to explain to you may not only help get sandboxed sites indexed and ranking quicker, it can even make the site owner a little money.

I’ve been blogging for a few years now. I started it as a hobby and the blog I had was actual…

Social Bookmarking: The New Link Building For Search Engine Optimization

Contrary to popular belief, search engine optimization is extremely easy. You need to think about what it would take for you to become the renowned expert in your field. You must offer content that is original and valuable to a consumer. Only then, will you conquer the major search engines.

One way link building is the core part of search engine marketing. There are many simple ways to obtain one way links: directories, articles, press releases, and most importantly social…

The New MSN Search Interface :: A Positive Transformation Or The Antithesis Of Change?

Now that MSN search has changed its look and search results I thought I’d do a little digging into the new look to see what I could come up with.

Overall I am impressed with the new look even if the current results aren’t that spectacular.

But is the new MSN really that much better?

As you’ve already no doubt heard, MSN Search has changed their look. But there’s more to this new look than meets the eye.

I’ve always been apprehensive about using MSN Search. It’s no…

Yahoo To Prohibit Competitive Keyword Bids Containing Trademarks

Yahoo Search Marketing ( has recently announced its advertisers of a new policy to be implemented as of March 1st 2006, concerning the use of trademarks within their products and services *.

Under the new policy, no reference to a trademark can be made (except for ads placed by the trademark owners themselves, obviously), and consequently no bids can be make for keywords containing such trademarks. Exceptions refer to usage of trademarks in non-co…