The A-Z Of Increasing Your Online Marketing ROI Part I

A – Affiliate Marketing
Merchant products are promoted on 3rd party (affiliate) websites. When visitors click through from the affiliate site to the merchant site and make a purchase then an agreed fee is paid to the affiliate.

If you advertise your products online, affiliate marketing is an efficient way to generate additional business. It is a cost effective form of advertising for merchants, and a simple way for affiliates to earn revenue from their website.

B – Ban…

The Internet Structural Engineer

The worlds biggest companies are making the same mistake as the worlds smallest. The worlds most accomplished web design companies are making the same mistake as the worlds smallest. What is going on!

An Internet expert explains how we could all do a lot better, logic is sometimes missed in the simplest of arguments… more

The PPC and AdSense Book.

I have always seen having a good site out there in cyberspace as like having a piece of real estate. Its all about location, location, location with real estate and all about content, content and content in cyberspace. In cyberspace you can own a shop on the main high street and compete against the big boys, and win. Just like any shop, if you dress the window good, they will pour through the doors. And this is where Google’s PPC AdSense comes in. Maybe they don’t see what they want and click an AdSense PPC link that catches their eye. Or maybe they trawl through your pages to visit other things of interest and click an AdSense link that looks interesting. Or, if your site is really good, visitors will click other contextual affiliate links and you get a percentage of the sale value plus, they will keep returning and tell others. Each visit increases the odds of an AdSense click or sale. While on the high street you might expect a sale from 50% of visitors entering the shop, in the cyberspace adverts shop it averages at around 4%. But unlike the high street shop, the cyberspace one can handle thousands, even millions of visitors each 365 days. Now 4% of that at anything from 10c to $10 per click, is more sales than you could ever make from a high street store and hardly any worries or overheads.
There is no limit to the amount of cyber-property one can own, your only restriction is that imposed by the amount of hours one can physically work, so automating as much as possible is vital.
In a nutshell. An advertiser may have spent fortunes on developing a super site to sell their super product and promote it with Google AdWords. But if the content of your site is useful about that product, it could be your site, not theirs that will be top of the search engine pile. Your visitors see their advert on an AdSense link and wallah, you just made a sale. The advertiser is delighted with your referrals and bids higher to get more of their keywords on your site, which means you get more per click. That’s the interactive beauty of Google AdSense.

What is Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization, SEO, is when a web site owner creates the content on his or her web pages to be more search engine friendly. By doing this the web site receive higher search engine rankings when people search for terms related to the site’s content. So what’s so important about search engine optimization.

What To Put On Content Sites

I am constantly asked the following question:

“What should I put on my content sites?”

Of course they are asking about my traffic generation strategy where I recommend creating content sites and pushing the traffic to a product site.

Here are some possibilities to put on your content site:

1. A Resource Directory

Resource directories used to be a great form of content. Yahoo actually got it’s start as a resource directory. They are now the #2 most visited site …

Tips For Successfully Outsourcing Services To Freelancers Or Outsourcing Service Providers

Small businesses and entrepreneurs always benefit by outsourcing their services to professional service providers or freelancers as this saves them time and money. The money saved due to outsourcing can be effectively and successfully utilized to focus more on strategic and core business functions.

This article will help small businesses and entrepreneurs in making the right decision in choosing the correct service provider for them and managing their projects.

Tips for…