Google, Updates, Upgrades, Penalties And Filters

My site dropped from no.1 spot to nowhere. Google tech people replied to my email telling me I must have hidden text or used some kind of ‘illegal technique’! Why don’t they just admit it’s their mistake?

Standard reply
It’s a standard reply, nothing else. I would imagine that 9 times out of ten when Google get an email about a site that has dropped into oblivion it has something to do with using techniques that go against their webmaster guidelines. It may not be the cas…

Google Wants To Help You Succeed

All too often, we see Google pictured as the “evil” company who’s just out to get you, and to make your life miserable.

While at times it might seem that way, it’s just not true.

No… Google is not going to come banging on your door to sit down next to you and help you design your website, but they do provide a wealth of traffic assistance for the webmaster who’s willing to look for it.

Take the Google sitemaps program for example.

Google wants to know about ALL y…

Unique Content Is Your Key To Success!

Shared articles may be good for putting together quick sites and heavily promoting the same article content that everyone else is promoting, but who are we kidding? Wouldn’t you rather have fresh content NOT picked over by everyone else? Of course you would. Now why should you pay for it when you’re