Four Reasons to Set Group Goals Collaboratively

We need set goals for our groups/teams or the larger organization. While we may instinctively know that we should include people in the creation of goals they will be working to achieve, too often the press of time and the lure of expediency leaves leaders setting the goals, and simply sharing them with those charged with achieving them.

Going Beyond Goal Setting

People don’t set goals now because they didn’t achieve the ones they set in the past. Stop making the goal setting process the focus, and start putting the focus on goal achievement.

Setting Date Specific Goals: The Must Haves, Whys, and Hows Analysis

So you have decided to make a change in your life. You may have decided to start a home-based business or you want to become more focus at your life. Setting goals is a great exercise in getting a focus and a perspective on life. Not life in general, but where a person wants to be short term and the long term. In this article, I am going show the technique I use to set my goals. I will also provide a worksheet for you to use.

The Difficulty Of Setting Goals

A wise man once said that going through life without a purpose is like sailing without a compass, which is the essence of the human need for targets and goals. It is true that there are some people, even successful ones, that do not have clear goals and no foreseen targets and yet they are moderately successful, but the huge difference here is that while some successful people have no goals all the rest of the successful people certainly have a few clear goals.

Why is sett…

The Hidden Value Of Setting Goals

Have you ever wondered how much control we actually have over our lives? The mind is continuously sending us messages to do this or that and our lack of awareness blindly follows its commands. These messages are generally self defeating because when the mind is in control it will always side with taking the easy option over the better one. Each time we attempt something new and give up because of the latest whim or passing fancy we give it more control and the cycle gets hard…

The SMART Way to Set Goals

Goal setting is equal parts art and science. Many people create goals that simply don’t work. If you’re in business, you don’t have the luxury of creating goals that don’t work. You need to work effectively and you need goals you help you do it.

Are You Derailing Your Business with Details?

Focusing on details over goals is the cause of countless business failures. How do you make sure that you’re keeping your focus where it belongs? This article uses a lesson from childhood to remind us of where – and how – to focus to help our businesses succeed.