Save Your Relationship

So many times relationships start out wonderfully with excitement and joy. Then, belong long, many begin to wonder where the love has gone. This is because they do not know the simple laws of love which are needed to build a relationship upon a foundation that will remain strong. This article describes some of these laws and shows how we have the power to make our relationships right.

Seven Steps To Heal A Broken Heart

When a relationship ends, you might think the world is over! But you can heal a broken heart and move on to better things. Here’s how to cope with breaking up….

Women! Get More Love By Giving Less.

Any woman can attract a better quality man or inspire the man she has to give her more love, affection and romance, by learning the truth about Overnurturing.

What is Overnurturing? It’s doing too much in a relationship. Giving too much. It’s the reverse of how a relationship works best for a woman.Giving is what men are supposed to do. Women are supposed to receive the love, affection and gifts that men give, and then give love and affection back to them. Though many of …

Now, the Internet can Save Your Marriage!

Dr. Marriage ( is an excellent online marriage counseling site run by Dr. Andy Smith (Phd-Counseling Psychology) and Dr. Martha Smith (Phd-Marriage Therapy) both expert marriage and relationship counselors. On you can get expert marriage counseling from them and leading counselors on their panel all via e-mail from the comfort and privacy of your home.

Finding A Site You Like

When it comes to lounging around the Internet, you might find that your long hours could be better spent looking for a swinging good time.

No longer do you have to meet up in person to find other swingers and have that awkward conversation of do you or don’t you, but you can put in some information, sometimes for free, and find other people who are looking to swing.

It’s just so darn easy.

So Many Possibilities

The hardest thing about finding swingers online is wh…

Getting Ready: For Men

It’s the big night (or afternoon, or morning), and you’re excited to get going. Hold on tiger, let’s stop for a moment.

First things first, you need to get ready for the other couple. This isn’t the time to go for a run, throw on a t-shirt and just go over to someone’s house for a night of erotic pleasure.

No, no, no. There’s a better way and don’t worry, it’s not going to take longer than a half an hour.

Cleaning Up

Although most of this information should be com…

How men are failing with woman, attraction and dating

Millions of men today are confused and in the dark as to how to treat or react to women when society tells them what to do yet the women ignore or reject them. This article will help men understand some of the issues and will help to bring men into the light of a more effective reality.

How To Be A Pickup Artist

Are you tired of striking out with women? Are you clueless about what it takes to pickup hot girls? Well comb the gel out of your hair and put the Porche key back in your pocket.

It’s not how much money she thinks you have. Picking up women is not rocket science.