The Wrong Time To Write A Press Release

Is there ever a wrong time to try to get free publicity for your company, product, or service?

Oh, yeah.

The “wrong” time isn’t just about bad days of the week, like Monday morning, or bad times of the year, like Christmas Eve.

The wrong time I’m referring to is more internal.

Let’s say you’re almost finished with your web site. It will be up next week, and you’re almost ready to start taking orders. Is that the time to send out a press release? After all, everyth…

My Advertising Budget Looks Like a Shoe String

An aphorism used saying it takes money to make money. And it is obviously true in case of starting a business. A business cannot be started without a capital. And after starting it, you require money to expand it too. But now, with the coming of the internet, many ways have sprung up using which it is possible to expand your online business, or more specifically speaking, generating traffic to your site, without spending even a cent.

Making Money Online: Persistence is the Key

Establishing a profitable E-commerce site is a tough job nowadays. Thousands of companies are struggling against each other to get more and more profit out of the internet. You should use each and every scheme and method you can find to augment your sales.

The Power Of Backlinks

As an Internet Marketer you want to collect as many links as you can to your website so that it appears to be an authority on the subject for the search engines. Search engine traffic is considered by many to be “free” traffic. It’s not like pay per click (PPC) or other types of traffic where you are paying for people to visit your site. Anyone that finds you through a search engine is really a free visitor! And if they buy from you, then that means they are free money too!