How Do You View Your Debt?

How Do You View Your Debt?

Are you loaded down with debt? Do you feel like there is no way out? Have you ever thought that how you view debt might be the problem?

Every aspect of your life, at some point, you wanted. You say “I didn’t want the debt”, but you wanted the thing that came along with the debt, or whatever you exchanged for the debt; maybe it was a house, the car or the car repairs, the clothes.

Debt was just a way to live a certain dream – a means to an…

Removing Stress From Your Life: The Art Of Practicing Feng Shui

For over three centuries, the Chinese people have found in Feng Shui the source for of internal and external balance and harmony. We all are searching for a little harmony in our life. Today’s fast-paced life assails all our senses with demands and expectations. Stress, anxiety and tension accumulate as the ongoing demands of work and family, home and free time push us to the very brink. Pushed and pulled by the equally demanding expectations of boss and family. Driven to the…

What You Should Know About Sleepwalking

There are some people who have problems with their sleep. Some have insomnia, narcolepsy, snoring, and some other have sleepwalking which is also known as somnambulism and noctambulism.

Sleepwalking, although it is not always harmless, it can also be very dangerous.

Sleepwalkers walk in their sleep. Or, they even do other actions as if they are awake such as taking a shower, eating. And, sometimes they can get out of the house. This is the dangerous part, especially bec…

Anger Management Strategies And Advice

This article looks at strategies and gives advice to help people control their anger. I am sure that we all become angry from time to time and want to lash out at the people who are annoying us or who have let us down. This is course is not the answer and the article gives tips on how we should be responding to these situations.

Say Goodnight to Insomnia

There is nothing worse than going to bed and not being able to sleep. Here are some tips and techniques to say goodnight to insomnia.

A Silent Night — Not At My House

People say, as they get older their hearing is not what it used to be. I have found this to be true for myself. The older I get, and I plan to get as old as I can, the more I hear noises in the middle of the night. Noises, I might add, that I have never heard before.

20 Tips For A Great Night’s Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep helps us to be happier, more productive people, so here’s some tips to help you get a good night’s sleep:

1. Avoid drinking tea or coffee late at night

2. Stop smoking – nicotine is a stimulant and so can make it difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep

3. Go to bed at the same time each night so that you set a routine

4. Only use the bed for sleeping and sex

5. Use dimmers on your light switches, and dim the lights in the hours …

Get To Sleep Tonight

I used to have problems sleeping. I was always tired and if I accidentally dropped off during the day for so much as five minutes I wouldn’t be able to sleep the following night. Then a friend told me a trick he used to use and I adapted it slightly. Since then I have always been able to use this technique to get to sleep.

To start with, think about your breathing. Keep it regular and slow. As you breath in think to yourself “sea” and as you breathe out think “shore”. Get …

Jerk Reactions: The Reason We Are Often Jolted Out Of Sleep

No matter what time we get up in the morning, what our day consisted of, or how late we decided to call it a night, getting a good night’s sleep is something we all want and need, but all do differently. Some of us are naturally “restless” sleepers. Despite our exhaustion an efforts, we toss and turn, finding it almost impossible to get comfortable and (perhaps just when we get settled in and comfortable) are awakened by just about any little noise, movement, or glimpse of li…


Nightmares are the type of dream everyone fears and wants to avoid. By their nature, these dreams are fearful, but often they need to be faced. The mind may be presenting them to us in such a dramatic manner because we have ignored a message for a prolonged period of time and it’s resorting to more drastic means to get our attention.

The truth is, many nightmares are actually gifts that we should be thankful for because they are trying to help us.

Avoidance is the wrong…