Insomnia – What Is The Problem With Your Sleep?
Insomnia is a sleeping disorder which prevents one from sleeping for extended periods of time or it can even prevent a person from being able to fall asleep altogether. Insomnia can be caused by diet, stress, drugs or alcohol and even certain feelings such as fear or dread. Sometimes, people suffer from insomnia because they simply have an overactive mind or sometimes people cannot sleep because of other physical reasons, such as excruciating pain. Whatever it is, to cure thi…
Sleep Apnea
A sleep disorder is considered when it happens to any person of any age. This means that snoring, which is a common but often misunderstood sleeping problem can be classified as sleep apnea. It is the most severe case of snoring problems. This could become a serious condition since literally, apnea means “to lose breath” or “without breath”. When a person has an apnea problem, what happens while he sleeps is that he tends to lose his breath alternately.
The reason why eve…
A New Take on DUI
There are a growing number of “DUI” driving accidents involving drivers that have had no alcohol. The new risk is the prescription sleep drug Ambien, sleep disorders such as sleep apnea and drivers “sleep driving.” The threat they pose is every bit as serious as an intoxicated driver and maybe just as common.
Effective Ways To Stop Snoring
If you have been looking for ways to stop snoring, but keep coming up short on results, don’t give up hope. There are actually many ways to stop snoring and some of them can even start working tonight.
One of the best ways to stop snoring is to change your sleeping position. If you constantly find yourself sleeping on your back, try resting on your side instead. Studies show that people who sleep on their back are more likely to snore than those who do not.
Another of …