Live Like A Lover!

What if you could always see the world through the eyes of someone in love?

It is amazing how good we are at using our awesome brains to make ourselves feel bad! Ruminating over an embarrassing moment a week ago; beating ourselves up because we meant to say one thing, but actually said another; or just spending time worrying about the future are all extraordinarily poor uses of our magical thinking and feeling abilities.

What if, instead, we focused on answering the que…

Piggy Bank Stress Of Smoking

As a hypnotherapist specializing in a proprietary Smoke Cessation program, I field a lot of questions regarding “How much do you cost?” and “Why are you so expensive?” It amazes me how focused smokers can be on the cost of quitting, without considering the cost of smoking. Yesterday I received a call from a frustrated smoker. From her tone of voice and attitude I assume that she has unsuccessfully attempted to quit smoking in the past. Her first question was a challenging “Ho…

Why See A Hypnotist?

Why see a hypnotist?

Why does change, at times, seem so difficult? Why can’t we just make up our minds to change patterns of behaviors, thoughts, and emotions and have it happen that quickly? The ‘Holy Grail’ of change work, whether it be self-help, or through utilizing a coach or therapist, is the instant ‘quick fix’ change can rectify years of habitual behavior patterns in a few short moments. Oh, and while we’re at it let’s make those moments comfortable and relaxing.

Quit Smoking – Prepare To Succeed

For many smokers the desire to quit smoking is strong…yet it seems no matter what they do, they just can’t seem to break this devastating habit. The inability to quit smoking causes many to privately belittle themselves and curse their seeming weakness.

For others it seems they simply wake up one morning and decide to quit smoking. What makes the difference in these people? Is someone who decides to quit smoking like this a stronger person than the one who has yet to becom…