diggita, italian social bookmark

diggita is a social network devoted to news, it’s one of the biggest social bookmarking in Italy and it works with adsense revenue sharing.

Social Bookmarking – The Ultimate Viral Marketing

Social Bookmarking could be one of the best things that ever happened to websites and blogs.

Basically Social Bookmarketing sites allow users to create a set of content bookmarks. These bookmarks are organized by tags, which are (usually) arbitrary words or phrases the user can assign to content. This gives the user a way to classify, rank and organize content using tags. The most popular Social Bookmarking Site is del.ici.ous, which has millions of users.

Social Bookma…

Through The Looking Glass Of Web 2.0

Until I tried it, the whole 2.0 thing seemed like a joke to me. But the switch between the Google, Yahoo, MSN search engine Web 1.0 war and the environment of Web 2.0 is drastic.

For those of you who remember using a card catalog at the public library, the change is similar to the one you experienced using a computer to find a book for the first time. No endless cabinets of cards to hunt through. No misplaced cards that meant you wouldn’t find the book you were looking fo…