diggita, italian social bookmark

diggita is a social network devoted to news, it’s one of the biggest social bookmarking in Italy and it works with adsense revenue sharing.

Linked In: Basic Marketing Blunders

Like me, have you received email invitations like these?

> I’m using LinkedIn to keep up with my professional contacts and help them with introductions. Since you are one of the people I recommend, I wanted to invite you to access my network on LinkedIn.
> Basic membership is free, and it takes less than a minute to sign up and join my network.

I’ve received well over 35 invitations like this, worded almost precisely the same way. The senders have acted surprise…

Social Networking – The Next Great Marketing Medium?

There has been a virtual explosion of social networking sites in the past couple of years. Even the big players like Google, Yahoo and MSN are getting into it.

With so much interest in how social networks work, one begins to wonder if there is marketing potential within these social networks?

I’ve been watching social networking for some time now. In fact I’m a member of various social networking sites including http://www.myspace.com/ and https://www.linkedin.com just …

Successful Myspace Strategies

Using MySpace effectively

Social networking is a phenomenon that seems recent on the internet with sites likie ecademy, linkedin, ryze, openbc, orkut, craigslist, friendster, and of course myspace. But the nature of networking with others has been around for thousands of years as individuals gathered in communities and expanded their base of friends. It’s through the technology advancements, though, that worldwide networking with people you choose is being made easier ever…