Stress Management Through Altering Beliefs And Increasing Knowledge

Most humans experience unexpected setbacks which can cause huge stress and can halt their forward progress in life. Our attitudes, beliefs and knowledge can make a big difference to how we deal with these setbacks.

What means just major stress to one person can even mean death to another. Our beliefs and knowledge affect how much stress we experience in the face of problems, traumas, ageing and the threat of death.

One way to lessen the stress of a problem is to focus on the solution.

The solution WITHIN

It’s quite amazing how many people go through their lives with very little thought as to where they are heading with it.

Why Can’t We all Just Get Along?

Couple that with the way that many view life as a chess game, where they must out maneuver their opponent and one can see where problems creep in. Mistrust, greed, selfishness and paranoia are like weeds in our minds that we must exert conscious and constant effort to remove or risk unnecessary conflict, hurt and disappointment.

Ideal Customers – What Do They Look Like?

It’s such an easy question to ask: “Who’s your ideal customer?” And it can be so challenging to answer! After a presentation I gave last night, one of the attendees approached me to say she had two ideal niches she loves to work in and yet because she wants both, she’s struggling to reach either one. I’m not surprised.

My point is that not all customers are created equal. You must research and identify who is the right customer for you. If you are lucky, they’ll find you….

Online Faxing – A Dream Come True

Online faxing, long thought to be a technology myth, finally arrives and proves itself to be the perfect solution for both businesses and individuals.

The Email Alternative: Using An Extranet For Online Document Sharing

Why is an extranet better than email for sharing documents? The answer is simple: email is perfect for one-to-one communication, but not ideally suited for groups engaged in project collaboration.

Most e-mail programs provide little – if any – effective way to prioritize your messages and attachments. Everything arrives in the same place, in the order in which it was sent.

With an extranet, all project related documents are automatically captured within a folder dedicat…