Are Illegal Mexicans Really Bad For America?

I’ve been thinking again. I know some of my readers regard that as a dangerous thing. For instance, the guy who ended his last letter to me with a “your hypocrisy knows no bounds”. I get these sorts of letters all the time.

But, I have been thinking and, of course, I have been thinking about America’s obsession with shutting down the Mexican-American border. You would wonder why I don’t tire of this rhetoric and the reason is simple. America needs the likes of your humble …

Good-Bye America

The number-one question people ask us is, “What possessed you to move to Mexico?” The number-one answer we give is that we simply could no longer afford to live in America, so we found a country where we could, and moved there.

We found ourselves in a position not unlike many Americans: A major illness strikes, unexpectedly, and though insured and with incomes, the cost of funding the illness simply becomes too much. It becomes, essentially, impossible. We were not alone.

If Someone Asked Me How To Learn A New Language

If someone asked me what I would recommend as the most important preparation for expatriating to Mexico it would be, Learn Spanish. You would think this is obvious, right?

I get many who write and ask what I recommend they do exactly in their language-learning quest. The first thing I tell them is to understand that unless they move to one of the uber-expensive resort towns or San Miguel de Allende, you will have to speak Spanish in the rest of the country. The rest of Mex…

Living In Mexico: San Miguel De Allende

Americans living in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico either do not understand, do not want to understand, or are in simple denial regarding the effect they’ve had on this Central Mexican Colonial Town. I find their constant shock and surprise at the observations made by the rest of the world about the effect they have on the city too incredible to believe. They walk around with blinders on, do not want to see it, or do not want to admit it.

My wife and I were in San Miguel th…

Some Spanish Facts And How To Easily Learn The Language

Spanish courses are available everywhere. Most people still learn Spanish as a second language from a university or college to earn a certification as well. There are many benefits how learning Spanish can help you. There are always others who are interested to learn Spanish but would like to learn inexpensively. If you want to help, you can teach them what you have learned.

Another thing is you can learn from available internet language software program. You just have to …

Spanish Learning Resources

Learn Spanish by reading Spanish books, Spanish movies and programs. Even Spanish instructions on food labels can help how you can learn how to speak in Spanish. Limited sources are not an excuse to not learn a foreign language. You can even start translating what you know so far about the Spanish language even just in your own interpretation.

It doesn’t have to be a perfect grammar. When you know some words comprising a sentence, a Spanish sentence in particular, it may t…

Spanish Memorization Using Link-word Technique

There are many learning language software available online today. But what you should consider before jumping on what you think is the best learning software program is the way or method you can use and whether you’ll be able to deal with it as you progress in learning the language.

In learning new languages, memorization always is the main ingredient in mastering words and constructing an entire sentence. There may be a lot of drawbacks how to flawlessly do this especiall…

You Can Learn A Language Naturally

In my newly released book, YOU CAN LEARN SPANISH or Any Language No Matter Your Age or Disposition, I discuss how most, if not all, second language courses in the Free World are taught: Grammar First. Not only is this method frighteningly boring, but I also explain why it will not—indeed cannot—give you what you want: A high degree of spoken fluency. I recall all too well walking into my first Spanish course at the University of Kansas. I was handed a huge textbook, a workboo…

You Can Learn A Second Language No Matter What

The other day I typed in “Language Schools” into Google and came up with a whopping 95 million hits. After popping my eyes back into my head, I wondered just how many public schools, junior colleges, and universities are offering second language learning opportunities in the United States. That must be an equally mind-boggling yet mysterious figure.

The ultimate mystery in all of this is really why, with all the opportunities to learn a second language, are so few American…