Garden Of Eden: A Jungle Captive’s Lesson In Dreams Come True

BBC News recently reported the story of horticulturist and orchid collector, Tom Hart Dyke, who was kidnapped in 2000 in the Darien Gap in Panama by Colombian Guerrillas and held hostage for nine months in the South American jungle. He was on a plant collecting expedition with his friend Paul Winder when captured.

They experienced a horrific kidnapping ordeal and were both threatened with being beheaded. During this dark passage, in order to stay sane, Tom spent his time j…

Audiences Are Your Friend

For the rank amateur to the ignorant professional, audiences create the same effect no matter how small they are to a speaker. Fear and anxiety.

From a single person to a crowd as big as the fans in the Super Bowl, speaking in front of a serious listening audience is the true test and baptism of fire.

Despite this, audiences are predictable. Audiences listen to you because they want to learn something from the speaker.

Following this logic, the speaker would do well …

Effective Public Speaking: Audience Contact

Although speaking in public is really a monologue of sorts, this monologue is addressed to a ready, able and receptive audience who wants to learn from you as much as you want to learn from them.

Speaking in public would be more effective if it is listened to. The following are effective tips to maintain that necessary contact with the audience.

Greet them

Minutes before your actual speaking engagement, you could walk around the venue and familiarize yourself with th…

How To Distinguish Public Speaking Problems

Fear of speaking in public is number one in the list of “phobias” which Americans have.

Phobia is defined as a persistent or intense fear of a certain object, activity or situation.

Fear of public speaking is one type of social phobia which is often associated or developed through a person’s adolescence.

How would you react if your boss suddenly tells you that you have to do a presentation in front of your colleagues?

If the mere thought of having to stand and spe…

How To Master Your Material For An Oral Presentation

One of the techniques that great public speakers have is knowing their material.

You cannot be a master mechanic and give a speech on “How to Grill the Perfect Steak”.

It is very important for a speaker to have a mastery of the topic that he will present so that his audience will be properly informed.

After all, you want to be known as a reliable speaker so it is really vital for you to have a mastery of your topic.

Below are 3 easy steps on how you can master you…

How To Overcome Nervousness When You Speak In Public

Even if the speech you have is already prepared and you know everything about it, public speaking can be difficult. Many people are very nervous when they speak in public. Here are some tips for you to overcome your nervous feelings when you speak in front of many people.

Preparing your presentation

1. Center on yourself. Try practicing standing properly – with your feet under the hips directly. This position is the best and most stable for speaking in public. Rehearse …

Preparing Yourself When You Speak In Public

Public speaking does not have to be difficult. Here are some tips to help you prepare for public speaking.

You don’t need to be perfect in succeeding in speaking in public.

You do not need to be too witty and brilliant to be successful when you speak in public. Public speaking is not all about that. It may look like it is, but in actuality, it is not. You can be the average guy you are.

What is important in speaking in public is that you give your listeners someth…

Public Speaking Lessons

The benefits of communication are evident from the least sophisticated creatures to the most advanced as in humans.

Perhaps, among the creatures especially endowed with the power of communication, humans make use of them more intensely and with a purpose that each speech made has had some effect on the people who hears them.

Not only do humans use communication in everyday survival but uses it for a variety of reasons. It is used to inspire and to deliver important me…

Public Speaking Made Easy

Public speaking has long haunted those who loath and like it. In every stage of life, since high school, college, even up until reaching the corporate world, no one is totally free from its clutches. Whether it is for the purpose of show and tell or pitching to a client, public speaking skills is an important necessity in your waking life.

There is a way to make public speaking easy to do and less stressful. Breaking down the process into steps helps anyone have a clear m…

Rehearsing: A Way To Eliminate Public Speaking Anxiety

It is almost impossible for one to go through his or her adult life without having been asked to speak in public at least once.

You might have proposed a toast to a wedding, or reported in front of a class. At work, you could have done an oral presentation for a promotion. Or you could have faced a group of interviewers before you actually got hired for the job that you now have.

All of these and more would require a person to get up and speak out in front of a number o…