Chinese Ancient Traditions Revived In Global New Year Shows

NTDTV’s live Chinese New Year Spectacular is more than a thrilling and enchanting music and dance performance; it is also promoting a rebirth of ancient Chinese culture which has been destroyed after the communist takeover. Dragons, drums and dancers, along with traditional Chinese instruments and costumes faithfully recreated from old manuscripts, paintings and pottery, all evoked the grandeur of China’s great dynasties and legends of remote history.

A New Music of the Orient: a Touch of the West and a Dash of the Divine

A new musical fusion has arisen in New York and it’s not the kind you can catch for ten dollars at a club in the West Village. For the many thousands of Chinese immigrants trying to stay afloat in a new world and for those westerners who have always wanted to understand the Chinese but have shied away for lack of a way in–for anyone who has wondered where the two civilizations connect, the answer may lie not in words, but in music.