Getting Help With Stammering
Stammering (clinically referred to as dysphemia) is a form of speech defect concerned with an involuntary action of repeating or prolonging of syllables or words. For example, when a person pronounces the word “stop” but instead says it like, “sssssstop” or “ssstt-sstt-sttop,” that is stammering.
Naturally, the condition is frustrating for the patient as it not only hampers his/her ability to communicate well, it also opens him/her to perceptions that he or she is slow and…
How To Have Fun With Speeches
While most people consider speaking in public worse than a death sentence, it does not have to be so. In fact, public speaking can be a fun and fruitful endeavor in the hands of a speaker with the right mindset.
And the first agenda when it comes to public speaking is to approach it in terms of having fun.
How can you ever have fun speaking to a large audience hanging on to your every word and gesture, you say? The answers are simple.
Here are a few tips to get you…
Improving How You Speak In Public
Feeling less confident when speaking in public? Here are some tips to boost your confidence in public speaking.
Tip no. 1. You should have eye contact with the audience all the time.
Tip no. 2. You should just relax. You know now by heart what you intend to say. Just do it.
Tip no. 3. If you can, use visual aids. This could help the people listening to you understand more of what you want to say. They get your concepts in an instant. Keep your visual aids simple. If,…
Become The Go – To Expert In Your Industry
One of the easiest ways to drive prospective clients and customers to your business is to become the expert in your field. The term Expert carries credibility and prestige that can open many doors for you, and, oddly enough, the term is relatively easy to acquire. This simple three step process can help you quickly and easily set yourself up as the expert in your field.
Step 1: Determine Your Niche
Instead of trying to be everything to everybody, narrow down your focus …
Stop Going to Networking Events and Get MORE Business
Are you frustrated with standard networking events that just don’t bring you new business? How do you get business without going to networking meetings? Find out how to skip all the same old networking meetings and learn how and where to get new business that will help you succeed!
10 Tips for a Successful Entrepreneurial Pitch
TJ Walker gives you tips for having a successful entrepreneurial pitch.
Easy Tips To Land A Job Speaking In Public
You can make it easy if you really want to. Although there are those who would give the usual advice of attending a meeting with the famous Toastmasters in order to hone your impromptu speaking skills, this is not as necessary as being aware of yourself and the skills you could objectively define as good, better, best, or needs improvement.
If you know the level of your ability and if you feel you are ready for an actual job speaking in public, the following could be a co…
How To Earn Money With A Public Speaking Job
Sell what you know
Your knowledge and expertise in a specific field will make them come, so make sure to build your base in that area through a variety of different mediums and formats. You can reach a lot of people if they are familiar with your works, books, CDs, or audio tapes. They could recognize you easily and instantly know what it is you are an expert at. You could get hired without difficulty and be conveniently invited to various speaking engagements. This could …