Developing Your Inner Spiritual Guidance
As the world becomes more connected through the technologies of communication, it is also becoming easier to become disconnected from our own selves. The necessary quiet time that develops our natural, inborn connection with intuition and spiritual guidance is no longer easily found in our daily lives, and this can cause feelings of overwhelm, meaninglessness, and an inner sense of disharmony and emptiness.
In today’s world as we face unprecedented challenges both individu…
How Intuition And Inner Wisdom Can Strengthen You During Difficult Times
All of us were created with an innate inner wisdom which guides our lives, serves as an inner “truth meter” and helps us to make important decisions at critical turning points in our lives. Some call this natural gift intuition, spiritual guidance or “gut feelings”.
Each of us connects to intuition in our own unique ways. Those with artistic or musical gifts may call upon their muse to inspire them with creative ideas. Those whose work involves great physical or mental end…
Listening Within: The Awakening Of Intuition
We live at a time when the capacity to hear God’s voice speaking within heart and mind has become greater, due to the intensification of light within the physical plane. As a result, even for those who have wandered far away from a spiritual path, the way back is more possible than ever before given a wish to return, and given time and attention paid to the voice of an inner knowing that may have previously been rejected. This inner knowing is what we call intuition. It takes…
Make Your Heart Soar
The Stanford Research Institute as well as The Harvard Research Center has discovered that 15% of a person’s success in life is determined by knowledge compared to 85% being determined by attitude. It’s not an overstatement to suggest that your attitude is more important than your aptitude!.
Enthusiasm is to be found where those most important things you value reside. These are the things that light you up. It is easy to know what lights you up because you know the feeling…