All Of Life Is Spiritual Life

Your life as you know it, even now is a spiritual life. Even if you spend not one second thinking about God, your existence as a soul is a living testimony to God’s love and goodness. You came from the spiritual realms, to exist here on the Earth in a body, for a specific and sacred purpose that is an integral part of the larger purpose that God has for souls on the Earth at this time.

You are beloved in God’s eyes, even if you have no awareness of God or spiritual life. G…

Healing The Body With Light

The human body is in essence a body of light, which was created first by God’s divine intention which created the soul. The soul’s divine intention to enter the world of physical form created the passageway through which God’s light could manifest the miracle of conception and birth.

All of life is a miracle, and each precious soul you encounter is living proof of God’s great love, which created the manifest and un-manifest universes. All possibilities and probabilities ex…

The Key To Personal Development And Stress Reduction (And Maybe Even World Peace)

Wherever you are right now, stop everything (this is important). Take just a moment and sit back in your seat. Now, put your hands on your abdomen with you fingertips barely touching. On your next inhale separate your fingertips by breathing deeply and slowly into your belly, allowing your breath to push them apart. Then exhale slowly so that your fingertips come back together. When you’ve finished, try it again.

There. That’s it…THE key to unlocking the door to your own g…

Law of Attraction Classics: The Link Between Creation and Desire – Thomas Troward

What is the direct connection between what you desire and what you manifest? The “great-grandfather of the Law of Attraction”, Thomas Troward, lays out the exact link in this excerpt from his 1925 classic “The Hidden Power”. In his words, “Desire is the force behind all things; it is the moving principle of the universe and the innermost center of all Life.” Read on to learn the underlying theory to why the Law of Attraction works as it does.