The New Spiritual Consciousness – An Emerging Paradigm Shift

All of life is welcoming you into a new reality, which is unfolding and emerging right before your eyes. You may not see this new reality with your physical senses yet, but your body, your consciousness, your intuition and your dreams are already actively involved in this new spiritual consciousness that is emerging.

For some, the whisperings of spirit are subtle and creating gentle openings of the heart. For others, the call of spirit resounds more loudly and may emerge o…

The Transformation Of Spiritual Consciousness

This new time in the history of planet Earth is creating a transformation of spiritual consciousness that is a quantum evolutionary leap for all of humanity. In times past, spiritual pursuits, spiritual awareness and spiritual growth we largely separate from the pursuits of ordinary life. In more recent times, spiritual growth has been seen as a path to bring greater healing, and greater ease in one’s physical life. These views of spirituality were partial, related to steps i…

Transforming Your Physical Body Into A Sacred Light Body

Your physical body is a sacred vehicle of light, which was created by God and joined with physical matter in order to accomplish a holy purpose that your soul chose before incarnating. It may seem as though your daily life is mundane and has little in the way of divine soul purpose, but one day this veil over your perception will lift, and you will see and feel deeply the full splendor of your soul’s radiance and beauty as a child of God.

When this realization comes of yo…

The Key To Personal Development And Stress Reduction (And Maybe Even World Peace)

Wherever you are right now, stop everything (this is important). Take just a moment and sit back in your seat. Now, put your hands on your abdomen with you fingertips barely touching. On your next inhale separate your fingertips by breathing deeply and slowly into your belly, allowing your breath to push them apart. Then exhale slowly so that your fingertips come back together. When you’ve finished, try it again.

There. That’s it…THE key to unlocking the door to your own g…

Accessing Your Spiritual Guidance

For the last 35 years, I have been working with individuals, couples and families, as well as business relationships. I have 8 published books on relationships and healing, some of them best-sellers. In the first half of my career, I worked as a traditional psychotherapist, and was not happy with the results.

Why Is Spiritual Truth So Elusive?

Why is spiritual truth so elusive? I have been pondering hard on this subject for quite sometime. And the article is my thought on this subject.